Hon. Dr. John C. Crosbie, P.C., O.C., O.N.L., Q.C.
John C. Crosbie passed away on January 10, 2020, in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, surrounded by family and friends, days from his 89th birthday.
One of the province’s and Canada’s most notable, stalwart and admired political figures, he enjoyed a remarkable career in public life, serving in municipal government, the Newfoundland House of Assembly, the House of Commons and as Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador.
He married the love of his life Jane Ellen Audrey Furneaux on September 8, 1952. Together they were a formidable team in every endeavor they undertook. They had three children, Chesley, Michael and Beth.
John Carnell Crosbie was born in St. John’s on January 30, 1931, to a prominent business and political family. He was the son of Chesley A. Crosbie, the head of the Crosbie mercantile group and leader of the Economic Union Party, which favoured free trade with the United States. His grandfather was Sir John Chalker Crosbie, a cabinet minister and caretaker prime minister in pre-Confederation Newfoundland.
He attended St. Andrews College, Queen’s University, where he was awarded the Gold Medal in Political Science, and Dalhousie University, graduating in 1956 as the University Medalist in Law. He was also awarded the Viscount Bennett Scholarship by the Canadian Bar Association, as the year’s outstanding law student. He moved on to postgraduate studies at the University of London and London School of Economics, and was called to the Bar in 1957, practicing law in St. John’s before and after political life.
At the age of 34, his first elected position was to municipal government, where he served briefly in 1965 as deputy mayor of St. John’s. He moved to the Newfoundland House of Assembly a year later. As a provincial Liberal cabinet minister under Premier Joey Smallwood, he railed against the practices and policies of the government. In this well-documented battle, he returned from lunch one day to find that Smallwood had moved his desk across the floor of the House. He joined forces with the Progressive Conservatives to defeat the government and served in the cabinet of Premier Frank Moores as Minister of Finance, President of Treasury Board, Minister of Economic Development, Minister of Fisheries, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Minister of Mines and Energy, and Government House Leader.
In 1976, he was elected as the Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament for St. John’s West. He served as Minister of Finance in the eight-month Joe Clark government, which he memorialized as “long enough to conceive but not to deliver.” In the government of Brian Mulroney, he was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, where, among many accomplishments, he ended discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the RCMP, the military and throughout the public service. He also served as Minister of Transport and Minister for International Trade, responsible for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement. His last official responsibilities before retiring from federal politics in 1993 included the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Fisheries and Oceans.
As Fisheries Minister – which he described as his toughest job in three decades in politics – he faced the unenviable task for a son of Newfoundland of imposing the Northern Cod moratorium. Having executed this with courage and grit, many believe no other politician of the day could have successfully delivered the substantive Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program, “The Package”, to assist fishers, plant workers and their communities.
He was an architect and signatory of the pivotal Atlantic Accord, which established joint management and guaranteed that Newfoundland and Labrador would be the principal beneficiary of its offshore oil and gas development. He was instrumental in securing an essential federal equity share in the Hibernia project, which fostered the province’s offshore oil and gas industry.
He believed that thinking on your feet was essential in the House. He was good at it and never failed to land a well-placed barb. On being heckled that he had a foot in his mouth, his quick quip –“I’d rather have a foot in my mouth than a forked tongue” – was often quoted.
An independent spirit, a passionate nation-builder, an orator of biting wit and charm, he was a tireless fighter for his beloved province and country. He relished the cut and thrust of politics, not for sport but for the people, whose best interests he unfailingly embraced as his own. On the wharf or around a negotiating table, he listened, he heard and he delivered.
After retiring from federal politics, he served for 14 years as the hard-working Chancellor of Memorial University. He also worked as legal counsel and director of several institutions, community organizations and private companies.
From 2008 to 2013, he represented Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II as the 12th Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador. Together with Jane, he raised the bar for outstanding service in the role.
Among his honours were Chancellor of the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador; Honorary Chief of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary; Honorary Colonel of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment; Officer of the Order of Canada; Queen’s Counsel; Member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada; and Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John. He also held many honorary Doctor of Laws degrees.
His 1997 autobiography No Holds Barred: My Life in Politics candidly recounts his long career in the witty and irreverent language for which he is known. In it he wrote: “I’d like to be remembered for being an independent person who took independent positions…I made the attempt to achieve what I thought was the right position for the country and for the province.”
He leaves his beloved wife, lifelong partner and best friend of 68 years, Jane; his children Chesley (Lois), Michael (Lynn) and Beth; his grandchildren Charlotte, Catherine (John), Rachel, Jane (Stephen), Victoria (Alex), Mary (Matthew), Megan, Amanda and John; his great-grandchildren Olivia and Charles; as well as a large extended family and vast circle of friends and colleagues.
No politician in our system of government can make a difference without the work of an army of smart and devoted aides and the support of loyal constituents. Mr. Crosbie knew that he was blessed with both. The family would like to warmly acknowledge and thank them.
In his final years, Mr. Crosbie was wonderfully supported by the excellent staff at Kenny’s Pond Retirement Community. Sincere thanks to you all on behalf of all the family.
The family would be grateful for donations to the Home From The Sea Foundation, the Hon. John C. Crosbie Weldon Tradition Scholarship in Law at Dalhousie University and Memorial University, choosing “Scholarships & Fellowships” as the area of designation and specifying the “John and Jane Crosbie Scholarship” in the designation information.
John C. Crosbie will be remembered for his indelible humour and quick tongue, his willingness to make controversial decisions and his fierce and effective advocacy on behalf of Newfoundland and Labrador. His is a legacy worth celebrating, a life worth emulating and a name indelibly etched in the history of the country and the province that he loved. Many have heard him relate how to spot the Newfoundlanders in heaven. “They’re the ones who want to go home.”
Cremation has taken place. Resting in state at the House of Assembly, Confederation Building, St. John’s, NL from 2 pm to 6 pm on Tuesday, January 14th and Wednesday, January 15th. Funeral service will be held at the Anglican Cathedral, Church Hill on Thursday, January 16th, 2020 at 2:00 pm. Private interment to follow.
House of Assembly
Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Church Hill
John Crosbie got me interested in politics because of his humor and always from the heart (not for his pocket) stated what should be done. Fact not fiction as other people. His budget under Joe Clark would have cut the deficit issue immediately, Interest rates were about 18%, instead the other government took over and the deficit kept climbing so taxes went well above and kept climbing next several years.
Hardest item he ever did was shut down the cod industry in his home province, thousands put out of work immediately, included hurting his direct family. This industry would be totally gone by now had he not stopped it at that time. I am from Alberta and have not been allowed to keep/eat my favorite fish now for 5 years as we have outfished/destroyed this province almost totally in all our lakes.
He had well beyond fore-site, wish all Canadians had for the further Canadians, not for themselves, being the current world .
He was the best politician during my lifetime and very few have not worried about public census.. They are not placed in our office for the betterment of their wallets, for the country long term rather than selfish short term and to say what the public want immediately. Integrity, honesty, No B.S. is how I was raised.. This was John Crosbie.
He left behind a huge legacy for NL , for Canada, and further across the globe, but I know it will be his family who miss him the most. My sincere condolences to you all.
Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of Mr. Crosbie.
A remarkable life in every sense. A remarkable Man who served his Province and Country with the love of a true citizen. The Globe and Mail’s obit piece so wonderfully reminded us of Mr. Crosbie’s life long list of the roles he played both provincially and nationally. It fully revealed to me his brilliant life. I especially liked John’s way of identifying Newfoundlanders you might find in Heaven. “They are the ones who want to go home”. My father Geoff Stirling had the greatest respect for the Crosbie family. The generations of lives, representing such a strong family history. John chose political life and a life of practicing law over enterprise. As a result his contributions to Canada and to Newfoundland shall be preserved forever – just as his memory should be. I send my condolences to the family, especially to Tim, Rob, Cynthia, Alex and their children. I grew up with Tim and enjoyed the wonderful hospitality on many occasion with he and his family. God Bless you all.
A beautiful life truly well lived with his service to Newfoundland and Canada. It was always nice to watch his responses in the House during Mulroney years. A great role model for all, especially for the new Canadians to make an effort to emulate him; but a very hard act to follow. His family should be so proud to celebrate his life with others. RIP.
One of the provinces historic public servants …
I was sorry to hear of Mr Crosbie’s passing but felt
so touched as a native and long term resident of this province to hear the national and provincial tributes
and to realize his legacy .
As a MUN Med graduate (Class ‘91) and current practicing doctor I realize he also served the university
What a career and family legacy !
A NL legend …May God bless the family at this difficult time but trusting they take strength from the public’s love
Mrs. Crosbie and all the family. Just w anted to pass on condolences to everyone. He was a great family man and a politician. – .And I’ sure he has passed his final exam.
God bless you all.
Norma Bonnell, North River (formerly of CUPIDS).
Acknowledgment card Re
Acknowledgment card Re
As I watched the Funeral Service of the late John Crosbie today, I was reminded of the first time I met him. I was working at the Law Firm of Barron & Lewis from 1953-1956. During a part of that time Mr. Crosbie was articled to the Firm before he was called to the Bar.. Little did I think, at that time, that he would make such an incredible mark on Newfoundland & Labrador, and indeed, all of Canada..
It is funny how one remembers such a minor incident about Mr. Crosbie after such a long time, but I remember he used to sing one particularl song as he went about his business – why this song I don’t know. That song was – “Oh dear what can the matter be – three old ladies were locked in the lavatory ………”. Now, I don’t recall if he was a good singer or not, but that doesn’t matter.
My sincere sympathy to the Crosbie family for your great loss.
Rest in peace Mr. Crosbie – you well deserve it.
Rose (Berrigan) Stacey
Dear Jane and family,, My sympathy to all I watched the
Funeral this aft.,thought It was very well done .
So I’ve lost myTwin,same b,irthday ! ‘Twas a great day !
❤️???????????? Sallee (Lewis) Rymal . Brockville Ont.
I articled with John Crosbie following my graduation from Dalhousie Law in 1966. There could not be a finer mentor. Rest In Peace, John.
Frank Fowler
A great Canadian and a loyal Newfoundlander the world needs more people like John Crosbie
Our sincere condolences to the Crosbie family at this sad time.. We had the honour of entertaining several times at Kennys Pond with Mr. & Mrs. Crosbie in attendance.
Kilmainham Music Group
Jim, Max, Keith, Frank
Watching the funeral on television.
Sincere condolences
I want to express my sincere regrets upon the passing of The Honourable John Crosbie. I had the good fortune to be employed as Director General, Industry Canada, in Newfoundland & Labrador in the 1980s during Mr. Crosbie’s time as M.P. and Federal Minister. Where we could, It was a rewarding experience to be able to assist him in constituency and Departmental matters. The Atlantic Region and Canada has lost a strong patriot.
Patrick J. Bates
Dear Mrs. Crosbie and family,
I am sure you are struck, as are many, at the unifying force for public good that was Mr. Crosbie’s life, and the momentum it carried forward for the betterment of all provinces and territories of Canada. I hope that the mighty wave of reflection on the value and service of his life, unanimously recognized from coast to coast to coast, will help carry Newfoundland and Labrador (especially) forward in this divided, uncertain time. None of us need look far for a towering example of tough intelligence, unremitting resolve and humanity to help better what Ray Guy called “this dear and fine country.”
My sincere condolences to the Crosbie family at a very difficult time for all of you. Politics is a tough and often thankless profession as you well know. All the tributes are WELL DESERVED especially for the time Mr. Crosbie, and the entire family, gave to the Province, when he could have done ‘anything’ he wished but chose to make a LARGE contribution to NL instead and for that we are thankful. I was proud to know him and recall the time I’d asked him to call my father who was then ill in hospital in GFW and 15 minutes later my father called me with uplifted spirits and asked ‘guess who called me!’ Countless things like that might even add up to the billions he delivered.
Thank you, Jane, children and grandchildren….
Thank you for sharing your husband, father and grandfather with ‘US’ 🙂
For any Canadian that has not yet had the privilege of visiting the most beautiful province in all of this great Country of Canada,, then you are missing out!!! We will keep our vast beauty a ‘ Secret’, …:)
Raising a glass, and saying…
“Cheers, John Crosbie!” God Speed:)
A man with a kind heart and a real care for other people; a rare thing which will be missed.
Jane, Ches, Beth, Michael and family……..know there is a huge void in your lives at this time……and know together with the heartfelt love your friends and the public are showing for John will help ease your grief as we all reflect on the amazing person he was and the marvellous life he had. Hugs to all.
Dear Jane and family,
We were so saddened to hear that John had passed away. He was such a memorable person with a sharp mind and wit that one could only dream of possessing.. We thorough;y enjoyed the times we spent together . Our deepest sympathy to you, Ches, Michael , Beth and their families.
Colin, Flo, Tracey and Chris
Dear Mrs. Crosbie, Ches, Michael & Beth…My sincere thoughts are with you all. I reached out to an old friend, and nephew of Mr. Crosbie, when I heard of his passing, and told him of a meeting I had with Minister Crosbie shortly after he announced the cod moratorium. I relayed a story of when I was briefly alone in his office waiting for others to join when Minister Crosbie relaxed back in his desk chair and closed his eyes. My old friend commented that “Uncle John often closed his eyes to ‘sharpen his focus’. It could be off putting as you were never sure!” Well, I believe he was always focused even if it was off putting. I can’t parlay any words more than others whom have written tributes, here elsewhere in the media, other than to add how much I respected him and will miss his enthusiasm for Newfoundland.
On behalf of the Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club I would like to pass along our sincere condolences to the Crosbie family for the loss of a truly great Newfoundlander.
Dear Ches, Lois and the entire Crosbie family.:
We are currently out of the country but send our sincere condolences. We hope that the wonderful memories you all must have will help you through this most difficult time.
I was so sorry to hear of John’s passing. He will be sorely missed. He was great Newfoundlander. I enjoyed our many conversations. My deepest condolences to Jane and the family.
Sincere condolences to the passing of Mr. Crosbie. He was a respected politician and a person of great integrity.
We will remember John not only as a great Newfoundland and Labrador statesman but as a kind and generous person who treated everyone with dignity and respect. Listening to the media coverage these last few days we are reminded of how frequently he spoke publicly about his love for Jane and the importance of family. How blessed you have all been to have had his love, wisdom, support, and guidance all these years.
My deepest condolences to Jane & the Crosbie family. I never met Mr. Crosbie, but I admired & respected his style & his deep LOVE for Newfoundland and Labrador. He was a giant in public life… RIP.
My deepest sympathy to the Crosbie family . Had known John since the Smallwood era and despite leaving the Province many years ago we occasionally met . I always considered him ” the sleeping giant ” and In the words of Mohammid Ali …..”he was a good man .”:. .
To the Crosbie family, sorry to hear of John’s passing. The province has lost a remarkable son. His true love for our province was outstanding and sincere. Many memories including helping me win an election in 1982. Milton Peach and family.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Crosbie family . So sorry for your lost. I admired this giant of a man for years. To your family from my family.
My condolences , and deepest sympathy, on the passing of John; Husband, Father, Friend, Patriot, Genius, and a man you don’t meet every day. He was a breath of fresh air, and hurricane, in the political arenas he fought in. I shall always remember, and deeply appreciate, what he accomplished, and tried to achieve, on behalf of our Province. He made me a better, person, lawyer, and believer in the high duty of political office, through his sincere acts of support on my own personal, and professional journey. He was, and shall always be remembered, as a Great Man. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jane, Chesley, Michael , and the entire Crosbie family. He shall be Dearly Missed,.
Truly a great Newfoundlander and a great family man I have such fond memories of him! My wife and I offer our deepest sympathies to Jane and Family! RIP
Carl and Betty Cooper
There are no words left to express on the sorrow & regret that all Newfoundland & Labrador must be feeling with such a great loss. As I pass along my condolences to the Crosbie family, I will just say, “Well done good & faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord”. Thank you John Crosbie for the privilege of knowing you.
I had the privilege of working with John during the 1980’s and 90’s when he was a powerhouse and a lot of fun to be around. He always had time for young people and a word of encouragement . His legacy is wide and deep and embodies the whole spirit of our land and our culture.
My sincere condolences to his family.
To the Cosbie Family
Deepest Sympathy
“The Greatest Prime Minister Canada
Never Had” R I P John C.. Crosbie
Please accept our condolences on the passing of Mr. Crosbie. Truly a great Newfoundlander. No one else has ever done so much for this beautiful province.
To all the Crosbie Family, our sincere condolences. We have had many wonderful times over the years. Mr. Crosbie was certainly a driving force in many of the good outcomes for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. And certainly Canada as well. Will never be forgotten.
Joan,Beth, Ches, Michael and all family, John Crosbie was a great and wonderful man who accomplished so much for Newfoundland &Labrador as well as our country Canada. It was a pleasure to have known him and he will always hold a fond place in our heats and memories. Rest In Peace John
We wish to offer our deepest and sincerest condolences to Jane and family. John’s decisions and life as a dedicated public servant have had profound and beneficial effects on our province which will be felt for many years to come. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of grief and loss.
Sincere sympathy to the Crosbie family. May he rest in peace.
Condolence to the Crosby Family…Hardy knew John for a number of years especially when he came to Twillingate & Gander he found him a good man to work with…..Hardy & Janette Lambert…..
Thank you, John, for your work on behalf of our province, and our country. I wrote a story about you on my French public exam in 1984. In my story, I describe a visit to a Quebec landmark when a booming voice nearby draws everyone’s attention. The speaker insists, en francais, that he is a Canadian first! C’est vrai! I turn to see … John Crosbie. The examiners must have enjoyed it, because they gave me a good mark. Thanks for the inspiration that day. May you enjoy many sunrises and sunsets over a heavenly pond, and share a joke or two with those who have gone before you. My deepest sympathies to your entire family, especially to Jane and your children. A bientot.
Ed met your father for the first time, through a newspaper advert about him coming out to address the Canadian Club of Toronto at the Holiday Inn Hotel behind the new City Hall in Toronto, in around 1985. He had the opportunity of meeting him for the first time which he never forgot. It was an extraordinary opportunity since he had never been out or even ever heard of the Club before. Needless he continued to come out on Mondays for the next eight years. He eventually moved on to The Empire Club of Toronto and became a Director of this Club. He still feels that it was your father that influenced him about hearing other important people, since it was an opportunity to hear great speakers like your father. Ed made it a regular luncheon reward and opportunity for many years to come.
Many years later both Jocelyn and I met your father while he was the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador in Government House to discuss the planning of the Atlantic Charter celebration. What a great choice the Province had made. Jocelyn and I were as you know there to discuss the Atlantic Charter. What a wonderful meeting it was. From then on we were very fortunate to be part of the planning. It was an immense pleasure to be part of the big Atlantic Charter celebration in 2011 and 2016 with your father. In 2017 it was wonderful to have your father televised from St. John’s to Toronto City Hall. Our Lieutenant Governor was very pleased to see John Crosbie up on the screen.
Jocelyn and I send our condolences on the loss of your father to you, your mother, your wife and family.
Ed and Jocelyn Badovinac, Mississauga
Jane and family,
So sorry to hear of John’s passing. Our deepest condolences to you and all your family.
Pat and Laura Hewitt
St. Shott’s.
John Crosbie was a great man. I cheered him on years ago to beat out Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney for the Federal Conservative leadership… sadly it was not to be. Uncle to my good friend Karen Furneaux, I got to meet him in person at Karen’s wedding.. I was blessed to meet John in person.
Rest In Peace, John, knowing that you served your country and province far better than most.
Love, prayers, and condolences to those that you leave behind.
Mrs. Crosbie
It was one of the great moments of my life meeting you and Mr. C in 1983. It shaped what has been a great adventure. I learned more of our people and place by following Mr. Crosbie with my camera than most people have a right to dream. I offer you and your family my deepest sympathies. We lost a truly great man and he was fortunate to have a truly great woman stand by his side.
Dear Jane
My deepest sympathies on the passing of this truly remarkable man. I was privileged to have a good working and professional relationship with him for over thirty years. In that time I developed a real appreciation of his genuine commitment and love of his homeland. On reflection John stands out as one of the truly great public figures of his generation, not only in Newfoundland but all of Canada as well. All of those who knew both of you know the significant role you played in making your husband the remarkable man he was. This unique and special person leaves a lasting legacy that not only enriches his family but inspires the whole province, indeed the country.
Warmest Regards
Richard Cashin
To mrs. Crosbie Ches and Beth…John was one of the greatest politicians there ever was…he was a politican that cared for the people of Newfoundlandand Labrador .My deepest condolences. John Crosbie was and is a legend and legends live forever.
To Jane & Family. Our deepest sympathy to you and your family on the passing of your dear husband & father.We had the pleasure of meeting you and John over the years.He was a great Newfoundlander and served his province and country well. May he rest in peace. With caring thoughts. Trevor & Mildred Bennett
To the family of the late John Crosbie!!!!! Sending out deepest condolences !!!!!! My husband , daughter and myself traveled with Canadian Airlines,,,, from St. John’s airport to Toronto,,,,, back in May 1996!!!! And Mr. Crosbie. was sitting just one seat ahead to my left,,,, And of course ,,, our family all said good morning,,, and he responded back !!!!!! I like to tell this story ,,,, because,,, we were flying with a celebrity!!!!!! ????
Dear Beth and Family, so sorry for your loss.
Sharing your Dad with NL is greatly appreciated and he will be missed.
I hope your cherished memories bring you comfort.
God bless
Michael and family. So sorry for your loss. Your dad was a legend, a man bigger than life whom we know will be missed by many. I was blessed to know him as a good friend to my Uncle John Murphy and will always remember watching them spar and debate endlessly. His book remains within reach in our home. John Crosbie was a true Newfoundlander, family man and friend to all.
I’m sorry
On of the most admirable politicans for the person he was and the things he accomplished
Mrs. Crosbie and family, I am so sorry for your loss. John was a wonderful man and a great Newfoundlander. He truly made a difference and will be missed.
Condolences to his family and friends. WE mourn the loss of this passionate Newfoundlander.
Mrs. Crosbie and Family: My deepest condolences on your great loss. I always enjoyed Mr. Crosbie’s visits to the Sealers Interpretation Centre. He always showed such great passion for the Centre and the many stories of sealing and sealers told here. Thanks to his leadership and dedication, we have this phenomenal place that will never let us forget this significant aspect of our culture. We will miss his visits. My sincere sympathy.
I first met Mr. Crosby in 1977 when I was 16 in Trepassey, NL when he came to visit my Father (Joseph Pennell) as we were busy building the new Trepassey Medical Clinic. A building which Mr. Crosby was instrumental in procurring. I was blown away by the way he and my dad just chatted away as if they had been life long friends. It sure was a testament to how he was able to connect with everyone and anyone.
Later, in the mid 1990s I met him again in Kingston Ontario and I had a great chat with him about Trepassey, the fishery and I mentioned how my dad and I remembered his visit back in the 70s. He chatted with me for half an hour during a campaign event and like my father before me I was amazed at his interest and humbled by his down to earth approach. He was a Gentleman. May he rest in peace.
Mrs. Crosbie and the Family of John, please accept my deepest condolences on his passing. He truly was both a Newfoundland and Canadian icon, but to you he was so much more. Mr. Crosbie was the very first politician of any political stripe that I met and he left an indelible mark on me. It was during the Federal Election Campaign of 1979 when he dropped into my Mom’s home in Colinet and I was in my last year of High school. After shaking hands, he sat on our couch and asked me about my future plans. I was struck by his sincerity and genuineness and his positive response. I believe it was at that moment I became a political junkie! Flash forward 31 years later on board the HMCS St. John’s when their Honours were guests of the Canadian Navy for a day sail from St. John’s to Trinity. While crossing the top of Conception Bay, that once 16 year old constituent from Colinet, but now an employee of Veterans Affairs Canada took the helm of the mighty warship and for 3 minutes transported both Mr. and Mrs. Crosbie towards their destination. A highlight of my life. Thank you for trusting me and thank you for all you have done for our beautiful province. RIP Mr. Crosbie, no doubt you are regaling the Saints, much to their delight. Sincerely, Kenneth G. Pieroway, CBS (formerly of Colinet)
Mr. Crosbie was an inspiring figure who did us all proud.
Rev. Dr. Fred Penney
Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle
St. John’s
How can we speak softly and send condolences about a man who roared and was larger than life? Our dear friend and giant Newfoundland hero has left us to mourn him, but surely would not expect us to do so.
As a friend John was charismatic, shy, funny, charming but just as quick tongued as he was when standing in the House of Commons. You had to be on your toes with him if you were together at a show, dinner, or driving to the next event. John took no prisoners. From John Crosbie we learned the meaning of devotion. Once John decided to take something on, it was his to the successful end.
There can never be another John, the parts are too vast and too limited to find, courage, dedication, absolute honesty, integrity, adoration of Jane and Ches, Michael and Beth. Devotion to his Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. How do you purchase love of country to the depths of John’s love of country, his total fearlessness in the eyes of storms, and his dogged determination to do what was right for Newfoundland. John took nothing for himself a rarity in today’s political world-but then John was an honest man, a good man, a fair man. A great friend. We will miss you John. All our love to Jane, Ches, Michael and Beth, Lois, Lynn and all the Grandchildren.
Our most sincere condolences
Kay and Mac LeMessurier
Rest In Peace, Mr. Crosbie; Newfoundland is better because you were here.
What a amazing life. What an impact he has made. Always watched him in his political career as he make the choices to better all Canadians. So proud he was a Newfoundlander. The family much feel such a loss but at the same time so proud off his accomplishments. God Bless you as you grieve for your love one.
I am saddened to hear of the passing of the Hon. John Crosbie. He was helpful to me with my Canadian business interests in the 1990s.
We met in Moncton and had a great conversation about Lyndon B. Johnson, with whom Mr. Crosbie was intrigued.
Mr. Crosbie was kind enough to inscribe his book No Holds Barred to me, which I continue to treasure.
Jane, Ches, Beth and Michael
Sincere condolences on the passing of the provinces greatest spokesperson. Mr. C as he was called by many of us who worked with him was a tireless worker on behalf of his province and indeed the country. It was a great pleasure and honour to have worked with him for a few years. While he was my boss a great friendship developed and I will forever have the deepest respect for his honesty, hard work and dedication to “getting things done”
Now, we all go forward with those wonderful memories of the great leader that we had the privilege of knowing
The Crosbie Family,
Mr. Crosbie was a icon in Canadian and Newfoundland and Labrador politics. My deepest condolences to Mrs Crosbie and all the Crosbie family.
Thanks John, for taking care of us all those years
The Crosbie Family:
Newfoundland has lost a great man and this loss is felt by many, unknown to you. Please accept our most sincere condolences.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of the Crosbie Family at this time, you are in my thoughts and prayers. .
We all celebrate your wonderful life. May god be with all your family at this most difficult time. RIP
Kevin Maher
Saint John New Brunswick
So very sorry for you loss. He was a very nice man.
There are few people who leave a deep imprint on your soul the way The Honourable John C. Crosbie could and did. CANADA and NL have lost a national treasure with a moral compass like few others, without regard to personal popularity. I admire that and respect him for it. I played a little tennis with him at the Ojibway Club at Pointe au Baril when he came to stay with mutual friends. Coffee afterwards was memorable. Deepest sympathy to Jane and family with your loss. A great man has left the stage, albeit better than he found it.
Jane and the Crosbie family. Deeply saddened by the loss of this great NL and Canadian statesman. We will not have another come so close to being prime minister of Canada as John did for quite a long time, if ever. I met John and Jane at their cabin with my cousin Rupert Short many years ago and will never forget his kindly welcome. Cherish his memories and the great contribution he made of NL and Canada. Lloyd Colbourne
Deepest condolences to all the family on Mr. Crosbie’s passing. He was truly one of a kind. In all my encounters with him, whether through ARTS NL or Home from The Sea, I learned to value his vast knowledge, and sharp wit, and I always waited in pleasant anticipation for the inevitable bon mot. He leaves many legacies; he is himself a legacy.
Dear Ches,
We just learned of your father’s passing.
He has been a ‘ROCK’ to all of us. His intellect, integrity and humanity are all a legacy of his life’s work – what a wonderful gentleman.
My wife Kasia and I will forever cherish our visit with you, to meet the Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable John Crosbie, at Government House. During that visit he congratulated you for gifting your legal and personal time in support of and encouraged us to continue to work for the rights of injured workers of the Marystown Shipyard.
Kasia and I want to send you and your family our condolences, prayers and comfort at this sad time.
Noel Kerin, MD
I first met John when I was a teenager, and I volunteered at his Federal Constituency office, on Lemarchant Road, in St. John’s, under Bill Welch’s direction. Later, I knew John through Party Conventions, his visits to Memorial University, when I was an Executive member of PC MUN. I also met him several times in Ottawa, where I worked at PC Party Headquarters, for one summer, and the next summer, I was an Assistant in the Office of Tom Siddon, who was then Federal Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. My roommate was Fiona Innes, a treasured friend of mine to this day, and a high school classmate of mine as well, who worked in John’s Communications office. I have a great many memories from this time, very fond memories, for sure. John was always approachable, kind, and and decent, to me, (as was the Prime Minister, a first rate man, I have to say, who I met on a few occasions, as well. I truly admire Brian Mulroney as a great and superb Leader, as a great Person, and as a truly devoted Family man.). I remember once running into John at an airport, and he remembered me, and he was kind enough to sit with me, and chat for a while, as we both waited to get on the same plane. He knew that I was not trying to bug him, or monopolize his time, and I made a point of talking to him about several things other than politics, which I think surprised him a bit, but he appreciated it, I think. John is up in Heaven now, that place which is defined only by what is called The Mystery of Faith, and it is in that higher place, now, where he is renewing a great many old acquaintances, and friendships, meeting his family that has passed, including his beloved Brother, Andrew, who he truly loved so much, and, I am sure, he is now making new friendships, in that higher place. I strongly believe that he now looks upon us all, now, from that higher place, and watches over us, with great interest, and in that way, he helps us to look after each other, as best he can. John Crosbie was a man with flaws, as we all have them, but his good qualities always outweighed his flaws, and he strongly believed, like I do – He always believed that there is more good, and more potential for good, in the world, than there is bad. And his life proved and illustrated this, very much so. On behalf of The Government of Canada, John opened the new Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, and so his name is emblazoned there, forever, as it is in many places, in NL, and the rest of Canada. But it is in our memories, and in our hearts, and in his many achievements, that he is best remembered, for sure. And, yes, he was a true family man, to his core. Rest in Peace, John, and I wish to send my sincere Condolences to his family, extended family, and to his many friends, in NL, Canada, and throughout the world.
Jane and family
So sorry to learn of John’s passing. He was one of a kind and admired by many for his free spirit. He will long be remembered for his many contributions he made to our province. We hope your many memories will help you and your family at this sad time
Wayne and I feel extremely blessed to have known John. We never tired of his sense of humour and always appreciated his wisdom and sense of commitment to the Confederation Centre of the Arts. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Jane and Family. RIP John! Thinking of you at this sad time..
To Mrs. Crosbie and Family,.
Words fall short of my expressing my sorrow for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. I really appreciated and valued our time working together on the Sealers Interpretation Center Project and feel so honoured to have the John C. Crosbie Sealers Memorial, and what it represents, in our community.
To Jane and family, sorry for the passing of a person who could have had no more profound impact on your lives than any man could have on his family.
Upon my admiring Mr. Crosbie’s Order of Canada medal recently placed around his neck, his comment to me was “isn’t that something”. This comment I took to mean an equal measure of praise for the dignity of the Order of Canada, plus surprise that he should receive it despite his lifetime of candour.
When the pendulum of politics will swing away from the politically correct time we are in, towards a more candid, honest and fearless period. John Crosbie will surely be the yardstick history will measure by.
A life well lived. The sum of all our love will keep John contented forever as it did during his period of service here.
Dear Jane, Ches, Lois, Michael, Lynn , Beth and your families,
We’re thinking of you all as you grieve the loss of John. May your relationships with him and the memories you’ve made together carry you forward through your grief.
We’re grateful for John’s diligent and determined public service in NL and Canada. Thanks for sharing John and yourselves with the public in the process. We acknowledge this service and his notoriety must have had a significant impact on your family. Nevertheless, your family remained close and enjoyed time together having fun and making happy memories.
We both feel privileged to have known John personally through our common membership at the NL Bar, as neighbours at Hogan’s Pond and through the Boards of Oceanex and FPI with Wayne.
Please accept our sincere condolences.
Wayne and Joan Myles
To Mrs. Crosbie and Family I extend my sincere condolences on the passing of Mr. Crosbie. He was by far my favorite politician. I loved his style and wit. Rest in Peace John Crosbie.
All our heartfelt thoughts prayers and condolences. An intelligent leader with so much vision and achievement. A supporter of so many causes that helped so many. He made a difference to so many in his province and his country.
Post Confederation NL would be a much darker less democratic place without Hon. John C. Crosbie. So many are so grateful for how he stood up to Smallwood and later enacted laws to protect fairness, freedom, rights and pluralism. Canadians should be grateful for his role in fighting for Free Trade with America and the rest of the free world, his fiscal economic common sense, his securing of the Atlantic Accord, his work to accelerate development of the NL Offshore Industry. He was also courageous and honest with his fellow NLers and Canadians during tough times and tough policy files. Even from my hometown of Buchans, I can report nothing but gratitutde for his work in securing MILAP support for the miners who were left without jobs in the wake of mine closure in 1984.
If politics was to be the “art of the possible,” John Crosbie wanted to test the frontiers of that “possible.” The post Confederation history of Newfoundland and Labrador is at best a mixed and turbulent time – the political landscape pockmarked with compromise, wrong turns, saviour worship, scandal, and some serious scarring of the political culture. While each blow and wound caused by false defeatist saviours leaves a scar, the eventual rally and rail against the bad actors is when we see the spirit, principles, vision, and fire of the Fighting Newfoundlander. Wise, live to their heritage, understanding their real strengths. A force to build and move mountains if it means a brighter future for the next generation.
Let’s give that “fighting Newfoundlander” an honest avatar equal to the enterprise.
His name is John Crosbie.
And he will be missed.
Our sympathies to you at this time of loss. John was a unique person and will always be remembered. His presence in the Hogans Pond community will be missed by all.
Karen and Ian Munn
So sorry for johns passing. He was our great leader back in the Day. He changed our way of life on this Island to think positive. We were under the Dome of Joeys Liberals. John gave us new life. I never voted until John came along. I’ve been a PC ever since.. his like we will never see again. Our Condolences to all the Family, you are in our prayers. God Bless.????????????????????
Beth and family, we are very sorry to hear of your father’s passing. You are in our thoughts and prayers. The Real Estate Board of the Fredericton Area Inc.
Our deepest sympathy to the Crosby family.
Town of Change Islands
Jane and family, I am heartbroken to hear of John’s passing. I am glad We had a chance, a few years ago, to visit and talk with you and John. Keith was happy to be reacquainted with his Elm Street neighbours. Love and peace. Joan ❤️
Cheryl and I share the nationwide reverence for our friend John and his wonderful family .After campaigning for him in 1969 our roads converged thereafter .A friend forever. His like will not seen again.
My sincere condolences to Jane and all the Crosbie family. May you find strength and comfort in your favourite memories of John in the difficult days ahead.
My family has many fond memories of Mr. Crosbie. It was lovely to reconnect with him recently and to get to know Jane. I am very thankful for all Mr. Crosbie has done for Newfoundland and Labrador as well as for Canada. A remarkable man who lead a remarkable life. May he rest in peace.
Uncle John will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with aunt Jane and family during this difficult time. His great wit and sense of humor has left us with wonderful memories.
To all members of the Crosbie family, immediate and extended, we send our sincere condolences for your loss.
John’s contribution to the Province, to Canada and to the citizens is beyond any words to describe. Had the opportunity to fish with him on the Gander.
It is fair to say that as John stands at the pearly gates and his face is tired and old and Saint Peter asks, what have you done for admission to the fold. John will respond that he has been a politician for many and many a year. The bell will ring and the gates will open wide and Saint Peter will respond by saying, come in my friend and choose your harp- you’ve had your share of Hell.
Tight lines and RIP.
My sincere condolences to the Crosbie family on the passing of your loved one The Honourable John Crosbie. Words cannot express how I feel about this kind, humorous and honest politician.
I had the great pleasure of voting for him when he ran in our district. I also have his book “NO HOLES BARRED” which I will treasure always. God Bless and R.I.P. Mr. Crosbie
My deepest sympathy to the family of Mr Crosbie.
Rest peaceful in the arms of the angels Mr Crosbie.
As an ordinary citizen and patriot I extend sincere condolences to the Crosbie family. John’s indomitable courage and fortitude in advocating and defending our rights was exemplary. He brought a breath of fresh air to the mundane world of politics.
So sorry for your loss Ches and Beth we are thinking of you all at this hard time.
Jane & Family
My sincere condolences to you and your family on Mr. Crosbie’s passing. Mr. Crosbie was a unique Canadian Statesman and certainly Newfoundland and Labrador’s Santa Clause to all of us. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Crosbie for your outstanding dedication and hard work .for our nation.
Please accept my deepest condolences, this is the end of an era for Newfoundland and Labrador,. We will never see anyone again who made such an impact for Nl. Truly a great man.
He was truely , the fighting NEWFOUNDLANDER , he fought for all of us ,PC and Liberal all alike, well done SIR!!! GOD BLESS , REST IN PEACE.
John Crosbie was a Political icon in Newfoundland & Labrador and Canada. His intelligent, imaginative, and colourful commentary will be missed by many!
Marilyn & Randy Folkes
John was an extraordinary Canadian. It was my pleasure to know him as a fellow politician and appreciated his never ending commitment to the benefit of all. He made many trips to Prince Edward Island in support of programs and services which have made us a stronger place. He did this across the country using his wisdom and wit. It would be impossible to measure his total impact, but we all say thank you, John, as you left this country a better place. Our sympathies to Jane and all family members.
I am sorry for your loss and send my sincere condolences to the Crosbie family.
To Jane and family: I think everything has already been said here about what a wonderful man John was. You are surrounded by the love and support of family and God and that will help you get through these next few days and weeks. We can’t be there, but know we are there in spirit and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
To Mrs. Jane Crosby and family.
We are so saddened by the news of Mr. Crosby’s passing. May God Bless and comfort you all during this difficult time. Sincere condolences from
Tom and Ernestine Power and family, Branch.
Someone so special can never be forgotten.
Crosbie Family Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all. John was a wonderful man in many ways. My husband and grandson and I saw a car stopped on the TCH a few years ago with a flat tire . When we stopped it was Mr John Crosbie lieutenant governor of Nl with his wife Jane. We we so happy to meet them and introduce him to our 7 yr old grandson. The drivers said everything was good and help was on the way. They took a picture of all of us and sent it to us. We will treasure this pic. as a mark in history. May God give you strenght to get through this difficult time
RIP MR. JOHN CROSBIE. Fly with the Angels
Richard Margaret and Ashton Parsons and family
Our condolences to the Crosby family. John lived a great llife. A genuine Newfoundlander will be watching over all. RIP John
Our sincere condolences to the Crosbie family on their loss in which we share. The elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world. HERE WAS A MAN. An honest man is the noblest work of God.
Well done thou good and faithful servant. When cometh another.
With deepest sympathy,
Dorothy & Bob MacLeod
If a life can be said to be well lived, it was his. His contributions to Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada (and its fishery) were unique, focused by courage and unapologetic nerve. When needed he was always there … deep condolence to Jane and the Crosbie family.
Jane: What a team you and John were, and for such a long time. Two lives, well-lived, together.
I will be unable to visit on Wed., or attend on Thurs., as Beth and I will be in Toronto welcoming the arrival of grandchild #7, our own Charlotte. Instead, we plan to donate our “airfare” to Dal Law, where daughter Hilary (the baby who wet John’s office couch when he was “babysitting”) was also a medalist. I think John would approve.
Sincere condolences to all for your loss, and Godspeed John, from a “devoted” aide and friend. Peter Burn
John Crosbie leaves a legacy in the Province and St. John’s that will never be surpassed. A fine, principled and honourable man who will never be forgotten. Thank you John Crosbie for your contributions.
Condolences to Mr. Crosbie’s family and family.
So sorry for mr crosbie’s passing
It was my pleasure to set down and watch him on TV Deepest sympathy to all of his family
Brenda & Jeff Carter Badgers quay
Deepest sympathy to the family Rip Mr Crosbie you were one of a kind.
My most sincere condolences to the Crosbie family, in the loss of your loved one,Hon John Crosbie,this Great man who had such love for his province and certainly had no problem defending and working hard to support that belief..He always stayed true for what he believed in and I for one am so proud that he never once deviated from that..A true Icon,no doubt about it.
God Bless.Rip Mr Crosbie,you left an indelible impression on many,thank you Sir.
Please accept our sincere condolences on your sad loss RIP Mr.Crosbiev you were well liked by your fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians
Thank you to the family for sharing him for the most valuable service of all….public service. He helped our province and our country in more ways than we know. I only read yesterday about his advocacy for the LGBQT+ community. He will be greatly missed by everyone. We will honour him this week as he deserves. My sincere condolences to the family.
To Mrs. Crosbie and family. My sincere sorry in the passing of your loving husband , father and grandfather.
THe word “hero” is the way I describe my feelings towards Mr. Crosbie for in my opinion he was a true hero who fought so many battles for his beloved province and it’s people. Never will we see his likes again and that is so sad. No one knows all the great accomplishments he achieved for our province and our country. . He was the greatest Newfoundlander who ever lived. John Crosbie was and is “my hero.”
May God bless him and keep him in His arms.
So sorry for your loss,John was a great man..He was my very first vote,when I turned 18..Always got a kick out of his sense of humour.RIP Mr Crosbie.
Another great Newfoundland Son has left us far too soon. Rest Easy Sir you will never be forgotten
To: The Crosbie’s Family..
Please accept our sincere condolences in the passing of your Loved One and know that you are all in our thought and prayers…
May the memories of your Husband, Father and Grandfather give you peace and comfort throughout this time ..
Even though I did not know him personally but did have the opportunity to meet him a few times through out his Political career at different functions…
Even though he had to make hard decisions which most of us Newfoundlanders never saw eye to eye on when its came to the fishery and uses some what unusual tactics and speeches throughout his political career to get the job done…
But one thing for sure he fought for our province like no other and gain the respect of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.
But overall Mr. Crosbie was somewhat of a character with his choice of attires and off the wall remarks but one thing for sure they don’t make them like him anymore…
He was a great man, a wonderful politician and will be forever remembered for his great commitment to the people of Newfoundland & Labrador and to Canada.
Deepest condolences to the family and May God Bless You All.
May you now rest in eternal peace.
Not only was John Crosbie a wonderful politician but he was a great friend. He wormed his way into my heart as a young child and he will remain there for the rest of time . A great man I truly loved and respected. My heart goes out to Jane and family. I hope some comfort comes to them through the knowledge of being part of a wonderful family. The loss is great. My sincere love and wishes go to all.
My sincerest condolences to Jane, Ches and the entire Crosbie family. John was a great political figure and while I was very young while he was active in politics, I remember him well. May you all find comfort in your memories of John and may he forever Rest In Peace.
Our deepest condolences to the Crosby family. He was a truly great newfoundlander and canadian. RIP
Thank-you for service sir, We all lose and feel sad in Newfoundland & Labrador today. A person that love our province & people with respect & honest is something that is will be remembered always in our hearts.
To Jane and his family thank-you for sharing him with us and our people, our province, and our country is better for it!
My condolences to you all!
Love always
To the Crosbie family: John Crosbie held many roles and made a positive difference in NL and Canada. It was an honour to meet him in Ottawa many years ago where he showed me all the political cartoons adorning the walls of his office. I trust your memories of him will be a blessing for you.
Hi Jane, My memory of you and John was just after we became CBFA.’s, Come Back From Away,’s Returning from France and you were both learning French, you did a lot better than John was my recollection! Chris has written a very Chris like condolence but I wanted mine to be to you. I still miss the Rock and all the people we knew there. It’s so hard to believe we’ve been out here longer than we were there! I am so sorry for your loss and hope your life is OK without him. It’s a big loss for you and the world. One of my favourite memories of John was when As It Happens woke him in China(?) in error. And of course the “the Great Newfoundland Japan Spring Sushi Sing Sing Fling”!
Though many of us knew John in our professional lives, I think a common experience was that we were drawn into a deeper connection with his Honourable self, and Jane.
When he stepped up to close the fishery, he did it faster than we expected, and he did his best for all impacted.. None of us expected that to be a story still with us today!
John Crosbie was a true leader and servant for his people. He was one of the greatest examples of a politician who did what was best. Hopefully some new-generation public servants will follow his lead.
I think most of us realize how much the family gave up in order for John to live for us. We thank you all for your generosity and hope that your pride in the life he lived will help at this time. I am sure his senses of perspective and humour must help even in the sadness we all feel.
A life well lived by a man loved by many.
His service to his Province and Country will be his legacy.
A man with a common touch who left his mark wherever he went.
Godspeed John Crosbie.
My condolences to his family.
Eileen and myself send our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the family of Mr. Crosby. He was a great man, a wonderful politician who did so much for this beautiful province of Newfoundland and Labrador and will be forever remembered for his great committment to the people of Canada, god bless you sir, RIP
To Beth and all the Crosbie family.
I am very sorry for your loss and it was my extreme pleasure to serve His Honour as his chauffeur at Government House. He was a very proud Canadian and will be truly missed.
To the Crosbie family — I had the pleasure of speaking with John on a number of occasions over the years, and always sincerely enjoyed his perspective on Newfoundland politics, and of course his sense of humour. John’s commitment to this province was unwavering. He will be remembered fondly by many. My thoughts and prayers are with the Crosbie family. May the cherished memories bring you comfort.
A hero for Newfoundland and Canada
Our sympathies to the Crosbie family
John and Heather Short
John Crosbie leaves a legacy in the Province and St. John’s that will never be surpassed. A fine, principled and honourable man who will never be forgotten. Thank you John Crosbie for your contributions.
Condolences to Mr. Crosbie’s family and family.
Condolences to the family, may you take comfort in your precious memories.
My sincere condolences to Jane and all of your family‼️❣️????????
He has sailed for the last time from His beloved Newfoundland. Thank you Sir John C. Crosbie for your dedication to Newfoundland & Labrador & Canada as well. He and Jane were a pair to be reckoned with. I would be remiss if I did not say Sir John was a True Newfoundland Treasure in his own right.
Well done Our good & Faithful Servent. Well Done!
sorry to here about johns passing he will be miss nfld my heart goes out to his wife and all his family and he is with god right now
In the mid-70’s I worked for the NL Department of Fisheries when John Crosbie was Minister. He was a wonderful person to work for and with, and I had so much respect for him. So much so that when he ran for the leadership of the federal PC Party, I was very involved in the Nova Scotia campaign for him. I worked very hard and was bitterly disappointed when he lost. However, the Clarke and Mulroney campaigns were vicious and dark while ours was hard-working but filled with humour. He was an awesome person, who was tough, kind , committed and honest. It was one of my life’s privileges to have known and worked with him. He was a good man in every way.
I remember Robert Stanfield being interviewed when he retired from politics. He was asked what was his greatest accomplishment in his years as a politician. His reply “I can live with myself”. John lived with himself every day – open, transparent and honest to a fault. He never had to regret. He was a political hero. If others emulated him today, we would have a better country and certainly more positive politics. He was one in a million. We shall not see his like again. My sincere condolences to Jane and to his children and other family. All Canadians will miss him.
To the Crosbie family..
My sincere condolences to you on the recent passing of Mr Crosbie..
Certainly one of Newfoundland’s greatest sons and also a great contributor to politics in Canada as well.
Im sure the political landscape in heaven is in for a shakeup pretty soon..
God bless you all
God rest you merry gentleman, may nothing you dismay. Your work on earth is done. On this NewFound day. May you have eternal peace.
My condolence to rhe Crosbie Family
Dear Jane and Family
Our sincerest sympathy to you and all your family. Another great John who will be sorely missed.
Love from us all
Lynn and Kevin
Thank you Mr Crosbie for everything that you done to make this province better for us all. My sincere condolences to Mrs Crosbie and all his family. May he finally now rest in eternal peace.