A. Job Halfyard

September 15, 1931 to May 21, 2024


If you are unable to attend the service for the Late Job Halfyard you may view the service by clicking on the following link: A. Job Halfyard



Passed peacefully away at the Miller Centre on May 21, 2024, in his 93rd year.  Leaving to mourn, the love of his life, his wife of 70 years, Audrey (Burton) Halfyard; his children, Laura Halfyard, Sharon Halfyard (Tony White), Job Halfyard Jr. (Judy), Viola Rice (Carl), Joann Clausen (Bob), Deborah Kent (Derek), Annette Walsh (Joe); his grandchildren Kieley Beaudry (Alyssa Walsh), Heather Elliott (Chad, Hannah, and Georgia), Diedre Regular (Andy), Dane Rice (Katelyn Elliott), Jessica Clausen (Kevin Bradley), Alex and Anita White, Harrison Kent (Cassady), Dylan Walsh; great-grandchildren Kyra Regular (Jaydien Walsh), Cavell and Levi Johanson, Nina, Stanley and Burton Beaudry, Cohen Bradley, Emily, and Clarke Rice; his Burton brothers-in-laws, Bond (Rose), Job (Flossie), Ross (Jeanette), Harold (Thelma), Claude (Margaret), as well as many nieces and nephews.

Alfred Job Crocker Halfyard—educator, entrepreneur, and passionate promotor of rural NL– was born in Curzon Village, Bonne Bay on September 15, 1931, the youngest of 4 children.  He left home to further his education at Mount Allison University, NS, and Memorial University College (later Memorial University of NL) completing his BA. ED. (majoring in Geography and History) through summers at the University of New Brunswick.  In his 33-year career as an educator in Bonne Bay, Port Anson (where he met his wife Audrey), Roberts Arm, Tilt Cove and La Scie, he was a progressive thinker, advocating for improvements for rural students and their communities.  A Coordinating Principal, he introduced Adult Education Programs on the Baie Verte peninsula, acting on his belief that schools should be community centres, providing opportunities for upgrading and lifelong learning. Noting a lack of housing, he built apartments to attract and retain quality teachers.

Job spoke with great pride about his role in helping form the Green Bay, Islands Branch of the NTA in 1952. In 1990, Job, along with two other educators, received the inaugural Newfoundland Teachers Association (NTA; now NLTA) Bancroft Award for contributions to the grassroots or branch level development of the NTA. He was also involved in the wild fishery, construction, and mining industry, as well as serving on many local, regional, and provincial boards and committees dealing with economic growth, education, health services, libraries, NL Heritage, and recreation.

Job recognized that involvement in organized politics was important for the development of rural regions. He was a delegate at the 1971 Liberal Convention that saw Premier Joey Smallwood’s leadership challenged by an emerging generation of educated professionals taking on new leadership roles. Job was a consummate learner. Provincial and national political, NTA and Kinsmen Club conferences stimulated new ideas for him, ideas that he built upon and took back to the La Scie area.

After retiring from teaching, Job began a second 30-plus year career in Aquaculture. He founded two mussel farms: the Sunrise Fish Farms near Port Anson and Pelly’s Island, and the Connaigre Fish Farms near Hermitage.  He was a founding member of the NL Mussel Growers Association in 1991, and later a board member and a President of the Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association. He was the recipient of the NAIA’s Aquaculturist of the Year award in 2005 and the NAIA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021.  Once again, he offered his insights about the developing industry at provincial, national and international events, and trade missions. Meanwhile, he would remind you to get him some fresh mussels to cook and enjoy whenever you were near a farm!

In his younger days Job was an avid fly fisher, eager to catch salmon and trout.  With a growing family, he used his hunting and fishing skills to fill the mason jars and winter freezers with various game and fish to feed his family and subsidize his then meagre teachers’ salary.  He and Audrey enjoyed curling, bowling, dancing, and, of course, conferences.  Meanwhile, nothing could beat a good card game with friends, followed by a ‘lunch’ to close out the evening.  While Job and Audrey enjoyed traveling to various parts of the world, Job could only spare a few weeks a year for Florida vacations – he always had work commitments or new ventures to explore.

When, later in life, he discovered his mother’s hidden Mi’kmaq heritage (i.e. John’s Beach – Companion/ Prosper and Trout River – Crockers), Job was thrilled and immediately registered his family, applying for membership through the Benoit’s Cove Band in 2004, then voting and becoming a founding member of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band in 2008; in 2019 he received his official indigenous status. We always knew his love of the land; the sea and nature came from within.

Cremation has taken place.

Family will be receiving visitors at Carnell’s Funeral home, 329 Freshwater Road from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday, May 23rd.

Funeral service will held on Friday May 24th, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the Carnell Memorial Chapel.

In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to a charity of one’s choice.



2-4 p.m. on May 23, 2024

7-9 p.m. on May 23, 2024

Carnell’s Funeral Home
329 Freshwater Road
View on Map


11:00am, Friday May 24th

The Carnell Memorial Chapel
329 Freshwater Road
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Sharon & Family,

Just heard the sad news about your father.’s passing.

Sincere Condolences, to you, your mother, and other family members. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time.

Linda Coles & Ches Keats

Audrey and family

So sorry to hear this. So many great memories over the years especially curling and the years Colin spent at Cape John Collegiate. Thinking of you all.

Colin and Barbara Forward

Sharon, Laura, Mrs. Halfyard and the Halfyard family:
We were saddened to hear of the passing of your loved one. We were honoured to know Mr. Halfyard. He made an impact on many people and many grieve with you as you say farewell to a great man.

To the extended family of Job, to Audrey and their family, we send our sympathy. Job made far-reaching differences in small and large communities of our province. He will be long remembered and sadly missed.
June & Garnet Warr

So sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. Our thoughts
and prayers are with you at this time.
Pat and Charlie Callanan

So sorry to hear of Job’s passing our deepest condolences to Audrey and all the family

So sorry to hear about Uncle Job’s passing our sincere condolences to Aunt Audrey and all the family,my thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.Cherish the many memories.

We were saddened to hear of your dad’s passing. Newfoundland, and especially rural Newfoundland, have benefitted greatly from your dad’s work. The province will be a little poorer without him. Your family has been in our thoughts since we heard of your dad’s passing.

Aunt Audrey and Halfyard family,
It’s a sad thing to lose someone you love. I remember visiting La Scie as a child and in Port Anson at the cabin in recent years. Each time there were many stories he would tell. As Aunt Audrey rolled her eyes at ‘yet another story’ (haha), I listened to every word. There was never enough time to hear them all.
I am thankful for the times we had together. Thinking of you all today during this difficult time. Love you all xoxo

Condolences to the Halfyard family. Job lived a very varied and productive long life. He was known by many and loved by all. He believed in family and friends and appreciated everyone’s accomplishments! Now it’s time to rest! Enjoy eternity as a good and faithful servant!

Job Jr:
Thinking of you as you mourn the loss of your Dad. Sending our sincere condolences to you, your Mom and the rest of the family.
Iris and Bax

Mrs.Halfyard and family.we are so sorry for your loss.we have many fond and happy memories of him.he was a wonderful man. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this sad time .Love
Melvin and Bonnie May

Condolences to the family, thinking of you at this difficult time.

..MRS Halfyard and family so sorry for your loss . He was my teacher. And a good friend to the family especially my dad. He is fondly remembered. For all of his stories and hard work. With sympathy

..MRS Halfyard and family so sorry for your loss . He was my teacher. And a good friend to the family especially my dad. He is fondly remembered. For all of his stories and hard work. With sympathy

Mrs Halfyard & family.. Sorry to hear of Mr Halfyard’s passing , sending our sincere condolences to you & your family at this difficult time, cherish your memories, they will sustain you in the days ahead. We will be remembering you in Prayer.
Otis & Claudine Bath

Joanne & Bob, sorry to hear about your dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Audrey and Family:
Sorry to hear of Job’s passing, sincere condolences to you all at this difficult time. As you share the many wonderful memories that you each have of him, may it bring a smile to your face and comfort you in the days ahead.
Vera LeDrew

Mrs. Halfyard and families,
Please accept our sincere and deepest condolences on the loss of a dear friend and wonderful man. Mr. Halfyard will
be fondly remembered and our memories of him will be forever cherished. Prayers and much love to you all during this difficult time.
Love Ted, Velma & Tammy Foote

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. We have many fond memories of Uncle Job and will always remember his kindness and warm smile. Hugs to Aunt Audrey and family.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,
George, Gloria, Sheena, Keith and Charlie

To the Halfyard Family,

Over the years, I have had many opportunities to spend time with Job. What a great return on my time spent! His energy, enthusiasm, and passion were infectious. He not only moulded a vision of what could be; he pursued and demonstrated it with grit, determination, and goodwill. May his phenomenal legacy comfort his family and friends and continue to inspire community leaders.

Audrey & Family,
Sorry to hear of Job’s passing. Thinking of you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!

To Audrey and family.
So sorry to hear of Mr. Halfyard’s passing. From our first days in LaScie back in 1983, Job was a good boss, mentor, and great friend.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Bob and BB Higgins

So sorry to hear of your loss. I send my sincere sympathy to the entire family.

Laura and family,
Sorry to read of you dads passing. He was a very active successful teacher and businessman. May you and the family continue to enjoy good memories and continue his community wrk. Boyd and Verna Smith
PS sorry we could not get to visit . We both have a cold/cough and are confined to the house.

Mrs. Halfyard and all your family members’
I just read Mr. Halfyard’s obituary and memories
from my years as a teacher in LaScie flooded my mind.
Certainly Mr. Halfyard was a household name down there..
Then in the past few years, I had contact with Mr. Halfyard during construction of the Social Services building in Gambo.
As I was growing up my mother would say she needed the patience of Job (Biibical) to deal with me..
Well I saw the .patience of Job (Mr.. H) when the
air conditioning uniit gave him. so many problems
that only “the patience of Job H” could see it through.
Mr. H was a great man who contributed so much to our Province.
Depend on God’s grace and your wonderful memories
as you say good bye to him
God bless.
Hardy Chippett

My dad respected Job. He respected him and said he was a smart man – resourceful. This was rare praise about a man I hardly knew at the time.
Then one cold, rainy day I had the honour of helping “Old Job” load some barrels aboard my brother, Grant’s flatbed-truck for one of Job’s projects. It was a miserable day. My brother, an experienced, long haul truck driver and myself 20–30 years younger than Job explained that we would load and secure them. Not likely! Job was up on the flatbed and we could hardly keep up with his pace or load them properly. He knew better. And he did. Not from some false sense of superiority, but wisdom gained in the trenches of hard work – experiencing disappointment, and successes that prepared him for working efficiently and fast – even in the pouring rain. Forthright. Goal driven. A passionate entrepreneur and focussed leader. That is what my Dad knew and we witnessed that day.
As you mourn the loss of a wonderful husband, father grandfather and great grandfather, we know you will reflect and treasure the many memories of a life well lived. We hope that, in time, those memories will bring you comfort and peace. We are all so glad Job was part of our family’s life

Mrs. Halfyard and families,
We are so sad to hear of Mr. Halfyards passing. He truly was a remarkable man, we had alot of respect and admiration for him. He was my teacher and principal at CJC, a man of great insight and wisdom. After finishing high school, whenever meeting him, he always wanted to know how we were doing.

He was a very nice man, he left an impact on our life as I’m sure he did yours, as your husband, dad, and grandfather.

Thinking of you at this sad time,
Norma & Scott Gray and family.
Shoe Cove

To Audrey and family
We are saddened to hear of Job’s passing. He was a man who truly lived life to the fullest, a great force in the communities that he was part of and a memorable personality for all who knew him. Audrey we will alway fondly remember our visits with you both, enjoying a card game and bring admonished to”whist to the board”. Thinking of you at this difficult time and sending our sincere condolences to you all.
Kaye and Ken

Mrs Halfyard and Family , sorry to hear of Mr Halfyard’s passing, sending our condolences to you and your family at this very difficult time

Neta and John!

By Neta and John.

To Audrey and family

Kay and I would like to offer our condolences to you and your family at this time. We are so sorry for your loss. We have so many memories of the curling nights and events ….. I often talk about the stories that he shared with us coming from a wealth of experience. Cherish the memories. Thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.

Kay and Glendon Bungay
Bishops Falls.

Dear, Sweet Mrs. Halfyàrd and your beautiful family, we are so sorry for your loss.Mr. Halfyàrd, what a full Life you had, so many accomplishments.For me, you were my High School principal, my geography teacher, you were a strict teacher ( ha ha) but you always encouraged us to learn and do better! You were my parents best friends and very close and special family friends.It was a pleasure growing up with your family . Sending Love to you all, Thinking of you so much.. Hugs

Joann and Bob .. so sorry to hear about your loss. Condolences to you both and Joann’s family.

Mrs. Halfyard and families,
So sorry to hear of Mr. Halfyards passing. It is never easy losing a loved one. But I am sure you all have many fond memories of him to provide you with comfort and courage in the days ahead. Myself and the entire family have many fond memories of Mr. Halfyard, as he was the teacher and principal to all 8 of my children. Also Lee worked for him for many years, which I would say you have memories of him doing something or trying to play a trick on you, he was always up to something.

Remembering you and your family during this time. We send all our love and prayers.

Thinking of you all,
Evelyn Martin and family
Shoe cove

So sorry to hear of Mr Halfyards passing. He was a true gentleman. Condolences to you all.

To Laura and the Halfyard family.
I am saddened to learn of your dad’s passing. He was a wonderful man who will be missed by all who had the privilege to know him.
Job was a man who always left things better than he found them and he was a model for lifelong learning and perseverance. You should all be forever proud of the Family, Career and Industry he built.
Thinking of you.
Glenn Blackwood

Sincere condolences to Audrey and all Job’s family. He was a force to be reckoned with, leaving behind an impressive legacy, not just in his many accomplishments but also in the great family that he and Audrey raised. I have many fond memories of him and hope those same memories will sustain you all in the days ahead. In sympathy and friendship.

Sorry to hear for Mr. Halfyard’s passing. My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family.

Sorry to hear of Mr. Halfyard’s passing. As teenagers growing up in La Scie he was our teacher. He was a great man and we had so much respect for him. We are thankful for the impact he had on us and many others.
Mrs. Halfyard and family, we offer you our sincere condolences. God bless you all.

Barry and Christine Gray
Conception Bay South

Sorry to hear of Mr. Halfyards passing Deepest condolences to all Family. He was scholar and a gentleman. RIP Sir.

To Mrs. Halfyard and Family, when I heard of Job’s passing, memories of days gone by flooded my mind . You guys were like our second family, we shared many special times , I especially remember when you and Job , and Mom and Dad ( Bert & Marge ) would get together to play cards at the house in La Scie . Oh what fun & Rivalry especially when job would try to cheat . So sorry for your loss, you are in my heart today, Love and Hugs

Carolyn Roberts & Michael Lush

Mrs Halfyard & Family
So sorry to hear of Mr Halfyard’s passing. We have lots of fond memories of time spent with you and him over the years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.
Rnady and Jeanette Critch

So sorry to hear of Mr.Halfyards passing . I was honoured to know and care for him during his stay at Tiffany. He talked so much with pride about his family and his heritage. . God bless him and give strength to his family and dear wife Audrey at this time.
Dr Penton

Mrs Halfyard & Family
I was so saddened to hear of Mr. Halfyards passing, it was a privilege to work for you fine folks. I have many great memories. Please know I’m thinking of you in these difficult moments.

Sending love & hugs!
Doreen Gray

Aunt Audrey and family,
We are so sorry to hear of Uncle Job’s passing. We are thinking of you all. Take care.

Ann & Jim

To Audrey and the Halfyard Family.

So sad to hear of Job’s passing, my heart goes out to you and your family. The world has lost a great man. Every once in a while, the world is graced with a special person and Job was one of those people. He left a lasting impact on those who were fortunate enough to know him. Rest in peace, Job and we will celebrate the incredible life you lived.
Love and hugs.
Rosalind and family.

My sincere condolences to the family of Mr Halfyard. A short time ago, I saw the announcement of his 70th wedding anniversary and I was telling my husband that he was my principal in Tilt Cove many years ago. Memories are wonderful – hold on to them!

Judy Gover ( Brown)

Sincerest Condolences to the Family of Mr. Halfyard,. I spoke to Mr. Halfyard many times on the phone while working with DFO/ Navigable Waters and it was a great pleasure to have met him at the Aquaculture Conferences. To me he was a large man in life but a very simple man to talk to. RIP Mr. Halfyard.. Ellen Pickett, Conception Harbour.

Alexia and Roy Ward La Scie
Mrs . Halfyard and family ;
We were so saddened to hear of Mr . Halfyard’s passing . So many memories came flooding back to me as I recalled the years of my teaching career under the watchful eye of Job .
He could be intimidating one moment and understanding and caring in the next – always fair and extremely efficient with every task he took on .
Students and staff alike learned many life lessons from him that I’m sure they practice to this day .
RIP , the final bell has rung .

i am thinking about you audrey and familys in my prayers at this time of breaf

Audrey, we are so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Job. Our sincere condolences to you, Joann, Job, Sharon, Laura, Annette, Deb and Viola and all the family.
Love from Deb, Jake, Jack and Norma

Offering sincerest condolences to all the Halfyard family.
Ray and Ellen Alcock

Sincere condolences to Jon’s wife and family! Special condolences to my friend of many years. Laura! Job’s work on earth has been very well done! TIP, Job!

Sincere condolences to Job’s wife, family and friends. Special condolences to my friend and colleague, Laura. Job’s work in this world has been very well done.!

Condolences to the Halfyard family.AJ you had very full and rewarding life,rest easy my friend.Your work ethic and family values lives on in your children,grand children and on.

To Audrey and family.
We were saddened to hear of Job’s passing. Our sincerest condolences go out to all the family at this sad time.
Job will be forever remembered as a passionate and inspiring educator, who was well respected by many of his students and colleagues and as an ambitious and hardworking entrepreneur. His analytical mind served him well in the educational field and the many ventures that followed.
A life well-lived is a legacy of joy and pride and pleasure. A living, lasing memory our grateful hearts will treasure.

We will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers, now and in the coming day.

Brad Perry and Jim and Nina Perry, St. John’s

Mrs Halfyard, Viola, Debbie & families, I am so sorry for your loss. I teared up when read Mr. Halfyard’s obituary. He most certainly lived a full life.

Our neighbour and landlord for many years, my teacher and someone that I looked up to., he had an influence on my life. During high school, Mr Halfyard had a couple conversations with me about how important it was to get an education, to graduate and seek a career that I would love and he would emphasis do this to make my Mom proud. I still remember having those chats in his office at school. I felt he was always rooting for me. I’ hope that I made him proud by graduating at 16 years old.

I am thinking of you all at this time. You can always be proud of this incredible, intelligent and humble man. Sleep well Mr. Halfyard.

Audrey and family, my heart hurts today as I remember such a loved and well respected man. Job (Mr. Halfyard) touched many lives, mine being one. I was never a student but he was my principal and an excellent educator and certainly looked up to by my Mom and Dad. Deepest condolences and may God comfort you during these days.

A life well lived!
Our sincere condolences to Audrey and family. So many years of friendship; the sharing of good times, challenging times, successful times and caring times. So much appreciated.
Job was a dedicated family man and an outstanding educator; a philosopher, a mentor to many, the embodiment of entrepreneurship and volunteerism. Job was forever a facilitator of embetterment in so many different ways and directions.
Our time shared with Job, Audrey and family has been a honour and a privilege. Thinking of you all..

Laura, sending you and your family my deepest condolences. I remember your father as a pioneer and champion of the aquaculture industry in the province for which he had a tremendous passion.

Heartfelt condolences to the family. Job was a wonderful man, so full of determination and life. Always enjoyed our chats.

Sorry to hear of your love ones passing. A great man indeed.had many laughs with him and his lovely wife..may you cherish your memories. and know you are in my thoughts and prayers .May God blessed you and give you the strength in this difficult time..💐💐💐💐💐

Sorry to hear of Mr. Halffyards passing he was a good man. Deepest Sympathy to the Families.

Mrs Halfuard and Families
So saddened to hear of Mr. Halfyards passing, thinking of you all at this sad time, reflect on the good times they will help you get through the difficult days ahead.

Sorry to hear of Job’s passing. I enjoyed teaching with him at Tilt Cove in 1966-67. He was a lifelong friend of ours. He was a pioneer in the aquaculture industry and was a successful businessman and entrepreneur. He had friends everywhere and a role model for many. His legacy will live on for many years.

Condolances to all family and friends. He was much respected and was certainly influential in the lives of many many students. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

To the family,
Sorry to hear of Job’s passing, I always enjoyed my conversations and interactions with him over the years. We worked closely together on various projects while Job was growing his aquaculture business. He indeed was a pioneer in this industry for our province. My sincere condolences to you all. Jim and Dale, Aquamarine Services.

Sending heartfelt sympathy to all the family! May your memories bring some comfort to you, now and in the days ahead. Praying for you all!

To Mrs. Halfyard, Viola and the whole Halfyard Families.
Sorry for your loss. Mr. Halfyard thought me in High School. Thinking of you all at this difficult time.

Ray Martin

Audrey, Viola, Job, Sharon, Annette, Debbie, Laura, and all the family please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of your loved one. Job has left a void that no one can fill. He was a hard worker and committed to many things to make this world a better place.. I’m certain you have many memories as I do. Cherish them all and that will help you in those difficult days ahead. May God give you comfort in these difficult days. You are in my prayers. Rest eternal grant to him O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon him..

To Audrey, and all the family
Sorry to hear of Job’s passing. He certainly made his mark on many areas and organizations. While working with him for several years, I learned of his boundless energy and determination. He often gave me advice which, in later years, I wish I had acted on. Condolences and prayers go out to all of you. RIP Mr. A. J. Halfyard.

I am so so sorry for the loss of your father

Audrey, Viola, and the Halfyard family,
When we heard the news that Job had died we knew the world had lost an inspiring “mover and shaker”. . Sending our sincere condolences to you all.
Jean Quigley/Rex Toms

Our Sincere Condolences to our dear friend Audrey and her family so sorry for your lost. We have so many special memories of times spent with you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. R.I.P. Job…. Love and Hugs special lady. 🤗❤️🙏

To Audrey , job & all the girls
Sorry to hear of your dads passing cherish the memories your in our prayers.

Will & Joan Moores.

MRS HALFYARD AND FAMILY.. saddened to hear of your lived ones passing but he lived a long prosperous life.. leaving prints wherever he lived….he wasy principal at CJC in 1976 1977 where I went to grade 11 with Joanne ….he’ll be remembered by his family and friends and so many more he crossed paths with…hug all your memories at this sad time and no he is now free from this world’s woes
…..Bless you all

Sincere condolences . I always enjoyed talking to Job and loved getting a hug from him . He was so passionate and determined . He rarely backed down on a debate and always spoke his truth . I sincerely enjoyed those chats . He is a true pioneer and one that touched so many .

Mrs Halfyard and Family
Sorry to hear of Mr Halfyard passing . Deepest Sympathy to you and your family ..
Beryl Butt .

Viola and the Halfyard family, very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. He was a great man and will surely be missed by many. Sending our condolences to you all.

Laura and Sharon, I am so sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing.

Audrey, Viola and all your family:
We were so sorry to hear of Job’s passing. We have many happy and fond memories of times spent together. Please know you will be in our thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. Deepest sympathy.
Gerald and Marg Boone
Deer Lake

I read this today with tears and sadness. MR. Halfyard or has we ,students called him ” Halfyard” played a very important role in my life has a teenager and Student , without his guidance, support , comfort and at times protection, lI am not sure where my life would had end up at.
He always looked out for me,known of my personal struggles and abuse, he was a safe place for me to go to in my high school years, he made a way for me to complete high school. I will always be thankful for his influence., and the things he did for his student…a great teacher! .
To his family I send my deepest condolences and love, Your, husband, father and grandfather was a great man.
Sharon thinking about you at this time and your family at this time, .

If there was ever a dedicated, tireless, spirited and inspirational man who deserved his rest, it is Job Halfyard. He was a champion in each of his careers and we feel very fortunate knowing him in his aquaculture years. Laura, please know we will never forget him, nor the tremendous pride he showed for you and all his family.

Doug and Jennifer Caines
Pool’s Cove

Mrs Halfyard and family,
So sorry to hear about Mr Halfyard’s passing. He was a wonderful man who was respected by those who came in contact with him. Many times when I saw him he would always take time to chat and I would always get a hug from him. May you find peace and comfort in the memories that you have of him. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Shawn & Glenda King
La Scie

Our deepest condolences to all the family.
He was a great man!
RIP Mr. Halfyard.
Lorne & Doreen Randell

Audrey and Halfyard families. So saddened to hear of Jobs passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. A man who left an impact everywhere he went . May you all be strengthened in the memories you have. May Od bless you all.

Audrey & Family ;
Sorry for your Loss , our thoughts and Prayers are with you during this difficult time . Please accept our Sincere Condolences .

Rev Harry & Yvette Oake
La Scie. , NL

To the entire Halfyard family,
I am so truly sorry for your loss. Job was a unique individual- he was always passionate, determined (others may say head-strong) and truly loved learning. He loved his family dearly and he never lost his interest/desire to take on new challenges, move agendas/ideas forward and strive for positive development in this province- in whatever initiative he was pursuing. Particularly at an age when most would have coasted into retirement. I somehow don’t think he understood what that word meant. He and I shared a great love of storytelling and the natural environment; I always walked away more knowledgeable and informed from our shared conversations. We had many an ‘animated conversation’. Rest easy Job, you’ve earned it.

Job you will be missed, from working with you on my MI work term to those surprise visits at the fisheries building. My thoughts and prayers are with the Halfyard family.