Patrick Gehue

June 29, 1965 to May 22, 2024


On May 22, 2024, Patrick Gehue, beloved father, grandfather, partner, son, brother, uncle, friend and proud member of Sipekne’katik First Nation, peacefully joined the Creator in the Mi’kmaq spirit world.

Pat was born in Indian Brook, NS on June 29, 1965. He spent his childhood on a small reservation where he developed into a local sports legend and unarguably its favourite, famed son. A gentle, loving, self professed “mama’s boy” who innately and genuinely cared for all persons he encountered, “Patty-Boy”, as he was dubbed, cherished his childhood amongst a large multigenerational, matriarchal Mi’kmaq family.

A born optimist with a penchant for finding the positive in life, he thrived on the love and joy of family, community, faith, and sports prevalent on the reserve. As an adult he desperately fought to keep the generational trauma, poverty, addiction and despair heaped disgracefully upon our Indigenous peoples at bay, while doing whatever he could, whenever he could, to be his Brother’s Keeper. He was called upon to speak in Conne River on many occasions and gracefully embraced the opportunity for connection with Indigenous youth. Chief Mi’sel Joe became a lifelong mentor, father and spiritual leader for Paddy.

A natural athlete, Pat excelled at sports. He remains more myth than man still on reservations in Atlantic Canada and beyond, for his pitching prowess, his speed as a runner and his skill at hockey. Paddy loved to brag of his years spent playing (and surviving he would add!) “Indian hockey“ to his 4 children who grew up playing hockey, soccer, skiing and tennis a world away in St. John’s, Newfoundland. To the day of his death Pat held firm to his conviction that Next Year was the year his Leafs would take the Cup.

Patrick was the first member of his extended family to complete school. He remained a passionate believer in education along any avenue. He was a brilliant artist who enthralled children everywhere he went with his impromptu art sessions. His Marble Mountain “etch-a sketch” works were sheer magic. Countless children, and adults alike, marveled at the “skier”, the “bug car” and other non-linear works that defied imagination. The Montreal Canadiens logo, while Pat maintained it burned his hands to sketch, was only done when requested by children. Additionally, it challenged his creativity compared to the Leafs logo which was permenantly “etched” in his heart!

Paddy was also the first Sipekne’katik First Nation member to become a regular member of the RCMP, enlisting in 1987. With his charm, winsome attitude and engaging personality, (along with his athletic prowess that at times mattered most in those early policing days!) he seemingly sailed through basic training. He obliterated unjust stereotypes with his work ethic and eagerness to help anyone anytime. He excelled in team work.

Pat was first posted to Twillingate, NL where he embraced Newfoundland, making it his forever Home. His genuine nature extinguished barriers in others while his indigenous self struggled privately to foster worthiness within.

In police work, Paddy’s humility, empathy and humour gained him great respect and affection within his communities: he truly embodied what it meant to live and work a life of service. Whether it was due to the hard won battles he struggled to master as an Indigenous man trying to integrate, or whether it was a true Gift he was born with, Pat displayed Christianity daily: he saw himself and his God in the eyes of each person he dealt with. He judged no one. He lived the adage “there but for the Grace of God go I”. The plight of his Indigenous brothers and sisters remained an open wound. The lack of action from The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the disgraced MMIWG inquiry haunted him to his death.

While his memory may be cherished for any or all of the above; for the hours and years he devoted to coaching hockey and soccer; or for his humanity in answering calls from persons of all walks of life for “help”; Pat will forever be cherished for the role he remains incomparable in. Dad.

Pat’s beloved children were his Life. They were cherished and adored. Pat lived and loved his children with the whole of his being, they were his heart and his soul. He will remain a Hero to Michael (Meghan O’Neill), Maria (Evan Smith), Rachel and Caroline who simply adored him. The pedestal they placed him on was well deserved. Paddy was many things; the greatest of all was Father.

Pat’s life was forever changed by his stroke in September of 2013. While he was at peace knowing he was soon to join his ancestors, his greatest sorrow was not being able to be an active Granddad to his grandchildren. His soul was shattered by his inability to don the mantle he so deserved to model in the lives of Freya and Fiona Gehue and Theodore Smith . These 3 precious souls now have an eternal light beaming love and guiding them along every step of their journeys.

Patrick was predeceased by his parents Stephen and Elizabeth (Sack) Gehue of Indian Brook NS, his beloved cousin Clarence Knockwood, his nephew Sammy Gehue, his mother-in-law Madeline (Hall) Fox, his brother-in-law Jeffrey Fox, his precious niece Katie Beer and great nephew Elijah Julian. In addition to his children and grandchildren, Pat leaves behind his wife, Colleen Fox, his brothers Stephen, Gabriel and Sheldon Gehue along with his sisters Germaine, Georgina, Stephanie, Charmaine, Wendy and their families of Indian Brook, NS.

Patrick also leaves behind his beloved extended family in NL, his father-in-law David Fox, Janet Fox Beer and Ron Beer and their sons Matthew, Daniel, Thomas and Patrick ; Nancy Fox Mayo, Larry Mayo and their children; Richard Fox; Bruce Fox and his wife Joelle Kempa Fox and their children.

True to Pat’s nature he embraced his new family in Newfoundland. He forged special bonds with his “brothers” Ron Beer, Bruce Fox and Larry Mayo who remain devastated by his loss. Together they nurtured a brotherly love with common beliefs in Family, Faith and Friends. They raised their children together in an atmosphere of unconditional love that had no limits nor boundaries.

Paddy also leaves behind countless friends, coworkers in the RCMP, RNC, RCMP Veterans’s Association, and athletes he coached and mentored. Our family is beyond Blessed to live in the knowledge that Pat’s “breakfast group”, spearheaded by Edgar Elliott, is, without question, present for us all. Harassing weekly texts from Edgar ensured that of Ron Beer, Ken Marshall, Scott Moffatt, Carl Sheppard, Ron Ellsworth, Daniel Martin, Arthur Rideout, Stuart Baird, Jim Whelan, Bill Goodridge, David Kannenberg, John McNicholas, Steve Battcock and Tak Ishiwata, someone would be there on Saturday mornings for “breakfast with Paddy” at the Jag. John Steele and Bill Butler always ensured their table was available. These brothers provided Paddy with such Joy throughout his ever increasingly insular world as the repercussions of his brain injury insipidly stole what little Joy remained. Words cannot articulate the gratitude felt for what these men did for Pat and consequently for Michael. For a young man to lose his father so early, Michael was Blessed by the Fathers who chose lovingly and selflessly to embrace him.

A special thank you to the staff of Chancellor Park for the care they provided for Pat over the last decade, especially Dr. Matthew Ryan. Dr. Ryan was instrumental in ensuring Pat’s comfort and dignity in his last moments, and for that we are eternally grateful.

Paddy’s family will be holding visitation at Carnell’s Funeral Home on Friday, May 24th from 12:00 to 9:00 pm. The funeral will be held at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 2 Convent Lane, Torbay on Saturday, May 25th at 10:00. In lieu of flowers the family would gratefully accept donations to the “The Patty-Boy Project”. Smallwood Academy, with the support of Chief Mi’sel Joe, has committed to creating and publishing an artistic multi medium resource of children’s visions on how to respectfully enact and live the 94 TRC’s Calls to Action: the goal is for this publication to be made available to all school children in NL and beyond.

Pat will be interred in Indian Brook, NS on June 1, 2024.

Please click the following link to donate to the “The Patty-Boy Project”.




12 noon - 9 p.m. on May 24, 2024

Carnell’s Funeral Home
329 Freshwater Road
View on Map


10:00am, Saturday May 25th

Holy Trinity Catholic Church


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Oh my heart is so heavy to see that Pat has left us. I met Pat in 2019 doing a pen pal program and he was full of stories, always had a smile on his face and thrived when he met the students he was writing to. During my time singing at Chancellor he was always positive and thoughtful. He remembered everything I ever told him and always checked in with me. He loved his family fiercely and was always so proud! My heart is with you all.

We are saddened to hear of Patt’s passiing. I worked with Pat in the early i990″s and found him to be a pleasure to work with, easy going , dedicated , with pride in the uniform.
Our deepest condollences to the Geheu family

Ray and Madeleine Hynes

So sorry for your loss. Pat was a kind and gentle soul. Please accept our deepest condolences.

We were deeply saddened to learn that Pat had passed. Very fond memories of time spent with Pat at the rink when the kids played hockey. Had some great skates with him too! Always a few laughs! A truly great man who will be missed by all his friends and family.. Take care everyone, life is precious.

Dearest Colleen, Michael, Rachel, Maria and Caroline,

We were so saddened to hear of Pat’s passing. Pat was indeed a gentle soul with a kind , but i would say, a little bit of a mischievous smile!! He snd Rob, laughed a lot together! Kathleen’s first comment to me was that it was certainly not a coincidence that Pat and Rob shared a spot in the same funeral home ….their beautiful faces on the same obituary page.!! Hoping you all find comfort in knowing Pat is finally at peace. Sending healing thoughts and prayers. Love Kathleen, Ryan, John and Rhonda

So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. and the loss of a great man and Member of the force .I worked with him in Grand Falls, NL.
My condolences to his family and friends.
David Russell , Truro, NS, RCMP retired

Beautiful obituary! Thinking of you and your family Colleen!



Colleen, Family, and Your Many Friends::

Sorry, I did not mean for my condolences below to be Anonymous.

Colleen, Family, and Your Many Friends:

Sue, Brigid, and I offer our great condolences and our prayers to you at this difficult time.. Pat and I would often kid each other about our favourite hockey teams, and I am truly sorry that Pat did not live to see the Toronto Maple Leafs win another Stanley Cup . I am suire tjhat he will put in a good word for the Leafs with the “man upstairs.”

Dear Colleen & family ,,
We are so sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. We remember Pat as such a vibrant , energetic & kind person.
We are thinking of you all .

Colleen, family, friends:

Our thoughts, prayers and sympathy to you all.
Pat always had a smile to greet you and welcomed conversation.
I loved secretly watching his reaction when I snuck a pair of Toronto Maple Leaf mittens into his drawer!
May your fond memories carry you through this time.

Pat and I met on a radar course in the late 80s in Grand Falls-Windsor and we became immediate buddies. We worked together a short time later on Highway Patrol and our families became friends. We enjoyed our get togethers and will always remember the tea and chocolate chip cookies regularly served at the Gehue residence. I will forever cherish our time together, we shared so many laughs, rarely had a serious moment together. I loved working with Pat and still miss our late night coffees at Tim’s after we played rec hockey in Windsor. I could always count on my Centre man Pat to set me up in front of the net. After I left NL I got to meet his immediate family when I worked in his home town Indian Brook. They were very proud of Patty boy. His family meant the world to him. I will never always cherish our life long friendship. I’m sure he is at peace. We both send our love and condolences to Colleen and the Gehue family.

Colleen and family,
So sorry to hear of Pats passing. John and I are thinking of you during this difficult time.

Colleen and family,

So very sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. I remember him as always smiling. He was such a generous, giving spirit. We need more like him in the world.

Colleen and extended family,
Just only hearing the sad news about Pat and I’m sending you lots of love and peace at this sad time.
Look forward to giving you a squeeze in person. What a beautiful family and memories he has left behind.
Much love

Colleen and family
Please accept our deepest condolences on Pat’s passing.
He was such a nice guy, always upbeat when I saw him in the office.. The staff especially looked forward to his front desk chats.
Paul and Susan Hiscock

Colleen and Family,

So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Pat had a positive impact on everyone around him. He will be deeply missed.

Colleen and family , So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing..
Deepest Condolences to all .
Rest in Peace Pat .. ….

We would like to pass along our condolences to the Gehue family.. I have fond memories of Pat when I worked with the RCMP when Pat would come and say are you going for a smoke Don. Our daughters work at Chancellor Park and they will miss him as well. He touched so many peoples lives. May you rest in peace Pat..

Dear Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel, and Caroline,
Please accept our sincere condolences on passing of the dearest person in your lives. May Pat live on forever in your hearts.
Warmest hugs from us – Nataliya and Lukian

Our condolences to Colleen and family; we were in GFW together and I always appreciated Pat’s positive attitude and pleasant demeanour. He never shied away from work. It was always a pleasure bumping into him at HQ in later years. RIP Pat.

Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel, and Caroline,
We are thinking of you all at this difficult time and hope that you find peace and strength in each other.. You are in our prayers.
With love- Andrew, Susan, and Gary Murray

Colleen and family,

I am very sad to hear of Pat’s passing. He will always be remembered by me for his kind nature and generosity with his time coaching Leah and friends in hockey and soccer. I was so thankful for him being there for Leah. He was a great coach and wonderful person. You are all in my thoughts.


Colleen, Maria and family.
Lisa, Julia and I are saddened to learn of Pat’s passing and we feel much sympathy for your family. We have cherished memories of Pat and his wonderful character and bright smiles, as he coached Julia and her teammates during two years of summer soccer. Julia and some of the same players thoroughly enjoyed having Pat as a hockey coach during house play, provincial tournaments and the Gonzaga high school championship. Pat earned so much more respect with his patience and friendly smiles than other coaches, who roared and shouted at their players. Pat’s awesome obituary tells a story of an amazing, very likeable man and we feel quite sure that all who knew Pat would agree – ,he was certainly one of the Best!. Unfortunately, Lisa and I have been out of town and Julia worked a 24 hour on-call shift at the hospital yesterday. We send our Hugs and condolences to you and his extended family and to his great friends.

Our deepest condolences to Colleen, his family and friends on your loss. May all your happy memories of Pat give y0u comfort.

Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline,
Thinking of you all at this difficult time, and hoping that you find peace and strength in each other.
With love from the Downeys – Wish, Linda, Matt & Molly

Colleen and family, our deepest condolences on your loss. We had the great privilege to know
“Paddy”. He was everything you described. We have been left Newfoundland now for many years
but always asked for him when I spoke to my sister. Sam played hockey and ball with Paddy. He coached our son C.J. with your daughter in the tiny beginner hockey. We all have precious memories. Please accept our deepest thoughts and prayers. Sam and Rhonda Holwell

Colleen and family,
We are saddened to hear of Pat’s passing. He was a wonderful person. May all of your precious memories of Pat help comfort you during this time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob Butler, Suzette Furey, Bobbi Glenn and Mary Ann Butler

Thinking of you all and sending my deepest condolences. The world lost one of it’s best! Hang on to those beautiful memories.

Erin Lane

Colleen ,Our condolences to you and your family.
Pats memory will live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew and loved him.

Arthur &Sherry Kelloway

Colleen and Family: “Love deeply and hang on tight”. This is the first thought that comes to mind….You Colleen, Patrick, and family certainly without any doubt own those words. Patrick instilled a love of beauty in all in had hands in. Bless you all! Frasers N. Stuart and Linda

Colleen and family, Betty and I send our sincerest condolences on Pat’s passing. Never saw him without a smile on his face, always enjoyed our encounters while I was in “B” Division. Clearly, he was a remarkable individual and blazed trails for others to follow.

Betty and Bill Smith
Nova Scotia

Colleen and family:
So very sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. He was a very genuine kind person. Remember the good times when he was stationed in Harbour Grace and I was a jail guard at the time. He always took time to stop and have a chat when passing through the guard room. He always spoke highly of his family. May his gentle sole rest in peace.

Kwe’ – Meskeyi- sorry to hear this loss to the families and to the Mi’kmaw Nation. True to his legendary status he was one of the finest softball pitchers not only in our Mi’kmaw Communities but also within the Senior Mens’ Softball Circuit.
His obituary captured his 59 years of love, life and happiness, Wela’lioq for sharing..
Tim Bernard
Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community

Dear Colleen and Family,
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. It was truly a pleasure to know Pat through working at the RCMP HQs in St. John’s. He always had a smile and took the time for a little chat, his pleasant, positive personality would cheer anyone up on a crazy work day!. Pat will live on forever in the hearts of all who had the privilege to know him. May your treasured memories always keep him close in your hearts and make you smile. Sincerely, Diane Butler

Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline, we were so saddened to hear of Paddy’s passing. We have so many wonderful memories of time spent with you all over the years.. Thinking about you every minute. Paddy was the best.

Dear COLLEEN and family,
I am saddened to learn of Pats passing, I truly liked him and enjoyed working highway patrol in Grand Falls. We shared a lot of laughs and hard work. We were out on patrol together one afternoon and everyone seemed to be obeying the law and it was quiet. Pat pulled the police car over, got out, put on his mitts, his fur hat and proceeded to dance around the pc. He quietly re-entered the car and said, “that is my Indian dance, we will be busy now!” True to his words we ended up working late into evening trying to catch up. I so enjoyed his smile and continuous optimism…he will be missed as this bright light is dimmed, but never extinguished.

Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline

So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. He will be remembered for his kind, gentle manner and his tremendous sense of humour. Pat was a pleasure to work with during my time at the PPSC. During his time at Chancellor Park I had a few visits with him while visiting my mother-in-law who was in the next room. He was so proud of and spoke so highly of his kids. I hope he is now at peace and will now watch over those he loved the most. The Leafs have lost one of their greatest fans.

Brenda Boyd

Colleen and family …..we are saddened by the news of Pat’s passing. His easy-going demeanour and sunny disposition endeared him to everyone. Always a gentleman ….always a pleasure. Wishing you peace and comfort at this difficult time. Take care to all.

My sincere condolence on the passing of Pat. He was a kind, funny, lighthearted man who made anyone in his presence feel at ease and included. This hardship will undoubtably be felt by those who knew him, may you hold on to your memories of him and carry him forward in your life.

I have many fond memories of Pat. Our heart goes out to the family, please know I’m thinking of you at this time.

Colleen and family, my deepest condolences on Pat’s passing. He was truly one of the good guys and he will be missed. Pat always had a smile and a kind word for anyone he encountered, and, incredibly, he never forgot a name! He treated everyone with the same kindness and humility.

As captured in his beautiful tribute, he was an outstanding human and an incredible role model for all that knew him. RIP Pat.

To the Gehue family,
I was so sorry to learn of Pat’s passing. I met him when my father, Mel Walker, moved into Chancellor Park and he and Pat became firm friends. Pat was genuine, thoughtful, kind, and had a great sense of humor. May your memories of him bring you comfort now and into the future.

My deep condolences to Gehue family on the loss of Pat. I remember him as a very friendly, easy going guy who always seemed to have a positive outlook on things.
Rest in Peace, Pat.

Gerry Power (RNC)

Colleen and Family, so sorry for your loss. Pat was a great friend, I have fond memories of working with him, he was such a good human being. We had some really great times together both at work and at play. RIP my friend.
Jim Penton

Colleen and family ,
So very sorry, sad times but good memories of a wonderful husband and father
Mary and Brendan

Condolences to the Gehue family at this sad time. You are all in our thoughts & prayers.

Sending you all love and strength at this difficult time❤️

Colleen and Family
our deepest condolences. Pat was a friend and a mentor at work. We were sad and shocked to hear of his passing.. Pat always had a positive spin on anything regardless of the situation. We are thinking of you in this difficult time.

Marc and Lucie

Dear Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline and family

I first met Pat through work back around 2003. From the start it was as if he was an old friend. I had the pleasure to play some golf, share some coffees and lunch with him. I was proud to say I survived riding in his golf cart at the RCMP tournament in Terra Nova as well. 🙂
When I read the tributes here it reminds me what a great man he was. He touched and influenced may lives over the years. Although I didn’t have the honour of meeting Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline it doesn’t mean I didn’t hear stories about you. Pat loved you all and was proud of you all. Colleen, sincerest condolences to you and your entire family.

R..I.P. Pat

Rod & Val

Dear Colleen and Family. Our deepest condolences to you all. Such a beautiful tribute to him that shows what a loving circle of family and friends he had in his life. In that respect he was truly blessed. Hugs to you all.

Jackie and John

Colleen and all the Family and Friends,
I was heartbroken and sad to hear of Pat’s passing. My heartfelt condolences to you all. I hope all your loving memories and the love and support of family and friends will comfort you in the difficult days ahead.
I will cherish the wonderful memories I have of Pat. A beautiful soul and the biggest heart of gold. Oh and that smile especially when he spoke of his children. We had many a great chats, great times and laughs over the years and friendly banter over our hockey teams (Toronto Maple Leafs vs Boston Bruins). He will be missed.
Pat, my dear friend, you are at peace now. You will always be in my thoughts and close in my heart and will never be forgotten.
Fly high with the Angels my friend.

Colleen and Family. ,

You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time .

Dear Colleen, Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline and family,
I’ve known Pat since the weekend of March 6-8, 1987, when Troop 22 hit “D” Block in Regina. We’ve shared laughter and deeper moments through the years. He was proud of you. He was deeply kind, and I have learned much from him.
We will miss him. He was one of the good ones.

Dear Colleen ,Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline and family,
I am sending you all , my sincere condolences on the loss of your precious Pat. What an incredible and well deserving tribute to him. He sure left a wonderful legacy . Such a special human being
Thinking of you all and wishing you peace as you face the difficult days ahead With love , Gail xo

Colleen and family.
My sincere condolences on the passing of Pat.

Colleen I was very sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. Funny enough I was reading the obituaries to my Mother over the phone and saw Pat’s at Carnell’s. I remember Pat very well from when I first started with the RCMP. He was a genuinely good guy. Every time my son would visit the office Pat would show him a magic trick using a box. Cameron always referred to him as the “Magic Man”. When I told him last night that Pat had passed he said “you mean the magic man”? RIP Pat. Our most sincere condolences. .

Colleen ,Michael, Maria, Rachel and Caroline and family

Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of your partner and father. I remember Pat as someone who was always smiling and enjoyed a good chuckle. Very respectful of anyone he encountered. Such a deep loss for your family. A loss no words could ease. Our deepest sympathies to you Colleen. Thinking of you all during your profound grief.
Wendy and Dean Chaulk (RNC Retired)

Paddy was one of the best. Not perfect but dam close to it. Rest in peace buddy.

Colleen and family, So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. He was such an amazing individual. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

Dear Colleen and family, sending our sincere condolences to you.
Pat was a beautiful soul whom I had the privilege of knowing through work at HQ. His touching obituary clearly demonstrated his love for his family and friends. RIP Pat.
Paulette and Gordie

Dearest Colleen and family, Gehue siblings and families,

The world is a bit dimmer with Pat’s passing that’s for sure. He was an amazing brother in law and cherished friend. I loved his reach outs to me for tea when traveling through the Halifax Airport. His story telling was the best! And….oh the stories!! The twinkle in his eyes and pride in his voice when he spoke about his kids was unmistakable. I always left those visits feeling uplifted and grateful. That was Pat’s gift to all who knew him. I am reminded of the famous Maya Angelou quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This is evident in his beautiful obituary and tributes from friends far and wide. May we all aspire to live and give as Pat did. Sending prayers, love and hugs to each of you.

Dearest Pat – see you when I get there…I know I will see that great smile and get another hug when we meet again! Peace and love my friend. xoxo

Colleen & family; our family is holding yours in our hearts. Pat was nothing short of a legacy, as so aptly described in the loving obituary. His light will continue to shine on in all who were blessed to have known him. The McNeil family

Colleen and Family
So sad to hear of Pats passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all..
Love Sarah O’Grady

Colleen and family, I am so sorry to hear of Pat’s passing.. Condolences.
Kim Randell and Parker, Cole and Matheson Hopkins

I had the honour of being stationed at Twillingate Det when the young recruit came through our doors. Will never forget Pat’s passion and that smile that never left his face. Sincere condolences to Colleen and the entire Gehue family. Rest in peace my friend.

Maria,Evan and baby Theo. I am so very sorry to hear of your dads passing. After reading his obituary, ( it warmed my heart) he was a wonderful man. I hope those precious memories help you to get through this sad time. Sending you and your family my love and sincere condolences. Aunt Donna 💞

Very sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. My sincere condolences to Colleen and family. Reflecting on our many days of ball hockey and ice hockey at HQ, a fine athlete and teammate. We will miss you Pat. RIP

My condolences to Colleen and family. Pat was a super nice guy with a relaxed attitude and a pleasant personality. He was always smiling and looked on the bright side of every situation. While I only worked with Pat for a short period of time we had a lot of laughs together. Rest in peace buddy.

Colleen, Mike, Rachel, Maria and Caroline,
Thinking of you and sending our love during this difficult time.

Pat’s generous spirit, sense of humour , and warm ways will live on.

Our prayers and condolences to you all..

I am so sorry to hear of Pats passing. My sincere condolences to Colleen and their entire family. I have many great memories of both work and personal times. He was a fine friend and work colleague, who will always be remembered fondly by myself and many others.

Sending my sincere condolences to all of the Gehue family and close friends on Pat’s passing. I read his beautiful obituary and it truly captures the Pat that we all knew and admired. He is at peace now and his struggles are over. Treasure all the beautiful memories you have of him. RIP Pat.

Sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. He was such a pleasant and friendly person. Sincere condolences to the family.

Bert Waterman
Ottawa, ON

RIP Pat. Condolences to Coleen and family. Sorry for your loss. Wayne and Sharon

Colleen and family, I’m so sorry to learn of Pat’s passing. He was a wonderful person and a pleasure to work with. He will be sadly missed. My deepest condolences.

Thinking of you all at this time. Pat had such a good sense of humour, a great sense of fun and an easy smile. Sending love and strength.

I’m sad to hear of Pat’s passing, but uplifted by the positive impact he had on so many, myself included. I was fortunate enough to work with Pat and Colleen in GF-W, and was lucky enough to play an occasional game of hockey with Pat. I will always fondly recall Pat’s wonderful personality and sense of humor. Truly a great man. My deepest condolences to Colleen and the Gehue/Fox family.

A gem of a man…genuine, kind and welcoming. I always enjoyed being in Pat’s company. He has now escaped the shackles of his illness, and can rest in peace. Thinking of you all…

I am very sorry for your loss. I understand that you have already had a difficult time and lost many things about the man you love but now you have to suffer this final blow. Please accept my sincere condolences.
Cliona McManamon and all the Strands

Colleen and family, I’m so very sorry for your loss. He truly was a lovely man and an awesome RCMP Member. Sending my Deepest, most Sincere Condolences to you and your family. I pray he is at Peace….

Colleen and family, so very very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you all.

Farewell Dear Pat,, Love and Light to all the Gehue’s we forever hold Pat in our hearts. Grateful for his friendship and unwavering support as we raised our families together. rest in peace dear friend!

Coleen and family , Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the passing of Pat . The beautiful memories you all shared will never leave you, and l hope that this will bring you comfort during this difficult time . Know you are all in our thoughts .

Jane and Brad Davis xo

R. I. P. Pat

I am so sorry to hear of Pats passing. Sending sincere condolences to Coleen and all his family and friends. He was always a kind gentle soul with a big heart. Always there to lend a hand when needed. Treasure those precious memories. May he Rest in Peace.

Dear Colleen, Mike, Rachel, Maria and Caroline,
Our sincere condolences on Pat’s passing. It was a pleasure to know him and his genuine interest in people and his smile always radiated warmth and kindness.
Ed and Ann Williams

Dear Colleen and family:

I am saddened to learn of Pat’s passing. I have a very fond memories of working with him in Grand Falls in the late 1980s when we were posted there. Pat’s friendly and easy-going demeanour made him impossible not to like. I have memories of him being very excited to be a father and to be involved in the lives of his children. I remember on one occasion in particular, I ran into him at the local Canadian Tire store. He was there with his young son for what he proudly described as “his first trip to the hardware store”. I also recall him speaking fondly of enjoying cherished family time on Sunday mornings where the routine was to sit down with the entire family to enjoy bacon and eggs.

Although I may have lost touch with you and Pat, as well as many other good friends from Newfoundland as a result of time and distance apart, I often think of those days when for me, we all seemed like one big family. They were some of the best days of my career and of my life, and I will always remember you and Pat being a significant part of that.

I wish you and your family nothing but the best as you grieve Pat’s passing and as you move forward into the future.


Matt toes

Colleen and family, I am so saddened to hear of Pat’s passing. I remember him as a gentle a soul with a hint of idlleness. May fond memories of your time together get you through this difficult time. My condolences to you all.

To Colleen, Mike, Maria, Rachel and Caroline,
Sending love and hugs to you all on the passing of your wonderful father. He was a gem, steady and kind always..
We had lots of fun family times together and he was well loved by everyone, especially all the kids. He had a lovely gentle interaction with everyone he met. He left the world a better place.. xoxo

Colleen and family,

I was so saddened to hear of Pat’s passing. Annette and I send our sincerest condolences.


We had many a fine chat on the Headquarters loading dock over the years. You have and will continue to be an inspiration to everyone you touched in life. You will be truly missed, always remembered and forever loved.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

Rest in eternal peace Brother.

Chris and Annette Fitzgerald

Colleen, her littles as I remember them and family please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Patty was a wonderful colleague who was as always a pleasure to bump into, chat with or grab a coffee with when I was visiting Colleen in their family kitchen. Sending our deepest condolences and love to you during this difficult time from the Prairies. May the Creator welcome his Spirit and provide you comfort during this time.

Colleen and Family
My deepest condolence on Pat’s passing. He was a true gentleman. His home community of Indian Brook were so proud of him. When I had the pleasure of policing there, people always talked about how proud they were of him.
Rest in Peace my friend.

Shawn Seward

Colleen & Family
So very sorry to hear about Pat’s passing. He was a pleasure to know and always had a kind word. He will be missed tremendously by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Rest in peace, Pat!

Anne James

Colleen and family. So sorry to hear of Pat’s passing. He was a wonderful person, full of life, and funny. A worthy hockey opponent and team mate. Thinking of you and sending prayers at this most difficult time.